Fife Council's Independent Living Advice Hub (ILAH) officially opened its doors on Friday, 20 September, in Kirkcaldy's High Street. The hub is designed to give people in Fife a single place to go for advice and support on how to live independently, with a range of services all working together to m
Fife Health And Social Care Partnership
Lynne Garvey has been appointed as the director of health and social care for the Fife Health and Social Care Partnership and chief officer for the Fife Joint Integration Board. Currently the Partnership’s Head of Community Care Services, Lynne brings to the post over 30 years’ expe
Nicky Connor has been appointed as the interim director of health and social care for the Fife Health and Social Care Partnership. The interim role is to enable a seamless transfer of leadership to ensure that the Partnership remains focused on delivering its strategic vision, mission and outcomes f
The Victoria Hospital in Kirkcaldy Homeless people attending A&E at a Fife hospital are to be given specialist housing advice as part of a ground-breaking service delivered by Shelter Scotland and Fife Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP).