A landlord who was refused an eviction order against a tenant in rent arrears after a housing tribunal found that there would be significant detrimental impact on the tenant has won an appeal to the Upper Tribunal for Scotland against the decision and granted the order sought. Appellant Scott Mackel
First-Tier Tribunal For Scotland Housing And Property Chamber
The Upper Tribunal for Scotland has allowed an appeal by a landlord ordered to pay over £5,000 to her former student tenants after finding that the First-tier Tribunal had inadequate evidence to reach the conclusions it did.
A former tenant of a property in Aberdeen who was refused a wrongful termination order by the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland without a hearing has won an appeal to the Upper Tribunal seeking a reconsideration of his application. Matthew Carrol, the appellant, argued that the FTS had made a final d
The Upper Tribunal for Scotland has quashed an eviction order granted by the First-tier Tribunal to an Edinburgh landlord who claimed he needed to move back into the property in order to better care for his sister. Tenants Campbell Taylor and Louise Drysdale appealed after an application was made by
The Upper Tribunal for Scotland has granted permission for an appeal by a landlord against a decision of the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland refusing her £70 of compensation for the cost of reinstalling a gas hob at her let property that was disconnected by the fire brigade. Appellant Andrea
A landlord of a property in Paisley awarded just over £600 of the £2,300 she sought from the departing tenant has lost an Upper Tribunal appeal seeking to have the amount increased.
A woman who was refused a review of her council tax banding by the Assessor for Lanarkshire Valuation Joint Board and had a challenge to that refusal rejected by the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland has failed to obtain permission to further challenge the decision before the Upper Tribunal.
Govan Law Centre’s (GLC) Women’s Rights Project has secured interim orders at the Court of Session for interdict and suspension to prevent a client’s eviction and homelessness.
The First-tier Tribunal for Scotland has ordered two landlords, one in Glasgow and another in Edinburgh, to pay at least double the amount of tenancy deposits withheld from their tenants after finding them in breach of the Tenancy Deposit Schemes (Scotland) Regulations 2011.
A sheriff in the Upper Tribunal for Scotland has allowed an appeal by a landlord who was refused an order for possession by the First-tier Tribunal after it ruled that he had not made out the eviction ground of intention to demolish or remodel the let property.
A couple who moved into a property in order to redecorate it for its owners and subsequently refused to move out have lost an appeal against a sheriff’s decision that they occupied the property under a licence agreement rather than a private residential tenancy.
Recent changes to the grounds for possession of rented properties are creating not only apparently irrational decisions but also gross invasions into the privacy and personal circumstances of private rental sector landlords, according to a Scottish legal firm. Emma King, co-founder of Glasgow-h
A letting company that ostensibly rented residential flats in Edinburgh on a holiday letting basis has been refused permission to appeal to the Upper Tribunal against a decision that it was in breach of the repairing standard for residential properties.
A judge of the Upper Tribunal for Scotland has quashed an eviction order following an appeal by the tenants of a property in Armadale after finding that the First-tier Tribunal had wrongly classed the tenancy as a private residential tenancy.
The Upper Tribunal for Scotland has ruled that the First-tier Tribunal erred in questioning the validity of a guarantee agreement between a private landlord and the parent of her tenant in an undefended action by the landlord for payment.