A new specialist heating services procurement framework specifically designed to meet the needs of the Scottish social housing sector has been launched, offering participating social landlords the opportunity to achieve major improvements in energy efficiency and significant savings on their energy
Fuel Poverty
Plans have been submitted for a new energy centre at Queens Quay which developers say could make Clydebank become the “greenest town in Scotland”. The proposed facility for the District Heat Network will form part of the first phase of development at the £250 million regeneration project on the
Scottish not-for-profit energy supplier Our Power has launched a Social Purpose Bond which it says will allow it to increase its market share and deliver its social impact. The Edinburgh-based company has secured £10 million to date in debt finance and is bringing a three-year, unsecured bond via t
An independent review into reducing costs in each element of the electricity supply chain has been published by the UK government. Building on the government’s Industrial Strategy Green Paper, Professor Dieter Helm CBE was asked in August to consider the whole electricity supply chain of generatio
Campaigners called on the Scottish Government to take further action to improve the energy efficiency of Scotland’s homes in the wake of new statistics showing that an excess of 2,720 people died in winter 2016/17 compared with warmer months. The Existing Homes Alliance said the forthcoming Warm H
Scots who make their homes more energy efficient should get a Council Tax rebate, according to a new report. Research from the Consumer Futures Unit of Citizens Advice Scotland showed a £500 rebate the year following the installation of energy efficiency measures was significantly more popular than
Draft legislation designed to lower the cost of energy bills for around 12 million households has been published by the UK government. The Draft Domestic Gas and Electricity (Tariffs Cap) Bill will give energy regulator Ofgem the power to cap standard variable tariffs to households in England, Wales
(from left) Chris Carroll (SAC); Liz Marquis (Energy Agency); Councillor Arthur Spurling; Councillor Julie Dettbarn; Councillor Philip Saxton (portfolio holder for housing and customer services) and Andrew Filby (Energy Agency) on James Street in Tarbolton Major energy efficiency works to be carried
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has pledged to set up a state-owned not-for-profit energy company in Scotland to offer cheaper power to homeowners. The SNP leader told the party's conference yesterday that the company will sell energy to customers at "as close to cost price as possible".
Bob Holt Lakehouse has won a £44 million contract to carry out housing energy efficiency upgrades for Aberdeenshire Council.
Prime Minister Theresa May has renewed a commitment to introduce a cap on energy prices for customers on standard variable tariffs. During her eventful speech to the Tory Party Conference yesterday, Ms May once again pledged to limit the amount people pay for their energy through legislation althoug
Aerial view of Glasgow city centre with the River Clyde Glasgow has sufficient available vacant land to help alleviate fuel poverty in the city given the right technology and investment, according to scientists at the University of Strathclyde.
REHAU’s free District Heating workshops will be heading to Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh on Wednesday, October 4th, to offer consultants, contractors, local authorities, developers and housing associations the chance to find out more about the benefits and practicalities of District Heating. This is
The Scottish Government has pledged to establish an expert group together with a £50 million fund with the aim of eradicating homelessness for good. Announced by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon as she delivered her Programme for Government for 2017/18 to the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday, the ‘En
Sally Thomas The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has today outlined three key issues for its members ahead of the Programme for Government 2017–18 being unveiled.