Cladding used on a set of tower blocks in Glasgow will be inspected as the local authority continues its progress to identify and test buildings believed to contain aluminium composite material (ACM) cladding. Last week it was revealed residents in two of the blocks at the Glasgow Harbour developmen
Grenfell Tower
John Cole CBE Housing minister Kevin Stewart has announced two leading experts as the chairs of the groups that will take forward a review of Scottish building standards in the wake of the Grenfell Tower tragedy.
Image of the Grenfell Tower fire courtesy of Natalie Oxford via Twitter Glasgow City Council has been criticised in the Scottish Parliament, after it emerged that the extent of the combustible cladding used in the city should be known by Friday.
Andrew McFarlane Andrew McFarlane makes the case for UK-wide regulation to make sprinklers mandatory in all new build houses.
Combustible cladding has been found in 57 private high-rise properties in Glasgow though it is understood that the total number of flats affected is likely to be in the low hundreds. Glasgow City Council made the admission after Holyrood's local government and communities committee was told earlier
Combustible cladding has been found in some private high-rise properties in Glasgow but neither the owners, residents or the fire service have been informed, MSPs have been told. Glasgow City Council planning official, Raymond Barlow, told MSPs on the Scottish Parliament’s local government and com
A consultation to ensure all homes are fully protected against fire and smoke in the wake of the Grenfell tragedy in London has opened for submissions today by the Scottish Government. With different requirements for fire and smoke alarms currently in place for different types of housing, the consul
David Orr If there is to be any good coming from the tragedy of Grenfell Tower, it’s that politicians, policy makers and public alike agree that we need a clear affordable housing offer for everyone, writes David Orr.
Image of the Grenfell Tower fire courtesy of Natalie Oxford via Twitter The social housing sector must make changes across all its platforms, says Andrew Morrison.
Angela Constance The group overseeing a review of building and fire safety regulatory frameworks following the tragic Grenfell Tower fire in London held its fourth meeting yesterday to discuss the latest evidence on automatic fire suppression systems.
The biggest football game in Argyll for many years kicks off this afternoon at the Lochgilphead Joint Campus, between teams from Argyll and Bute Council and Argyll Community Housing Association. The match has been arranged to raise funds for the victims of the Grenfell Tower tragedy and will involve
Image of the Grenfell Tower fire courtesy of Natalie Oxford via Twitter The group established to oversee a review of building and fire safety regulatory frameworks on domestic high rises following the tragic Grenfell Tower fire in London has agreed to open consultations on further building standards
Housing services from across Argyll will come together on the football pitch to help those who lost their homes in the Grenfell Tower tragedy. Teams from Argyll Community Housing Association (ACHA) and Argyll and Bute Council will kick off at 4.00pm on Friday 28 July, at the all-weather sports pitch
In the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire, Shelter Scotland’s Adam Lang outlines the housing rights of tenants throughout the country. The recent fire at Grenfell Tower in west London was a tragedy that has devastated the lives of local residents and the wider community. It was a stark reminder that