Fife Council has committed to significant investment in gypsy traveller sites across the Kingdom over the next year. Convenor of the community and housing services committee, Cllr Judy Hamilton, visited the site at Heatherywood, Kirkcaldy to see first-hand the results of the £840,000 improveme
Plans to create modern homes in Girvan for the local travelling community are now under way. Seven chalet style bungalows are being built, with the project due to be completed later this year.
Social landlords must take immediate action to ensure their sites and pitches meet the minimum site standards set by the Scottish Government, a new Scottish Housing Regulator report has found. The report on social landlords’ progress towards the Scottish Government’s minimum site standards shows
Christine Macleod A Scottish Government report that shows landlords still have work to do to improve Gypsy/Traveller sites has been welcomed by the Scottish Housing Regulator.
Angela Constance The Scottish Government has urged Gypsy/Traveller site providers to quickly improve the maintenance of sites after a report revealed that many will not meet minimum standard requirements by next month’s deadline.
Councillors in Perth & Kinross will receive a progress report on the council’s gypsy traveller strategy next week with a view to the implementation of a revised strategy later in the year. The main aims of the current Gypsy Traveller Strategy 2013-18 are to develop a more co-ordinated approach
A report highlighting the importance of social landlords meeting the standards and outcomes of the Scottish Social Housing Charter for Gypsy/Travellers has been published by the Scottish Housing Regulator. The Regulator’s report underlines the recommendations for landlords it set out in its themat
Alison Watson A new service is to offer support for members of the Gypsy Traveller community in the Forth Valley in an effort to relieve poverty and stop them becoming homeless.
Kevin Stewart The Scottish Government has published “clearer and more practical” advice for local authorities on how to manage unauthorised camping by Gypsy/Travellers.
Roy Overend (centre) is presented with his award by Councillor Judy Hamilton of Fife Council and STV meteorologist and presenter Sean Batty A council manager has been recognised at a national awards ceremony for his work to help make a Gypsy/Traveller site in South Lanarkshire one of the best of its
Terrie Alafat Providing Gypsy and Traveller sites should be made a central part of tackling the UK’s housing crisis, according to a new report.
South Ayrshire Council has committed to investing in a replacement travelling persons site in Girvan following severe storm damage to the original site at Houdston late last year. If planning permission is approved, eight purpose built accommodation units would be constructed at Low Troweir Road as
Christine Macleod A new poster has been published to raise awareness of the standards that are expected to be delivered for Gypsy/Travellers who use sites provided by social landlords.
A family has been granted permanent planning permission for a previously unauthorised Gypsy/Traveller site in Moray. The Stewart family, who have lived on the site at Doohill, near Lhanbryde, for seven years, had an application for temporary planning permission turned down by Moray councillors four
Christine Macleod The Scottish Housing Regulator has given evidence to a Scottish Parliament committee which has been looking at issues facing Gypsy/Travellers.