
46-51 of 51 Articles
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John Alexander Fresh thinking, a change in attitude and a frank discussion. This is what is required if we are to seriously change the way in which local authorities deal with the travelling community and the associated public outcry, Councillor John Alexander tells Scottish Housing News.

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Planning applications for a travellers site were rejected last week at an Aberdeenshire Council meeting. Two applications for a permanent halting site along with a temporary halting site in St Cyrus were introduced by head of planning and development management, Robert Gray.

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Aberdeenshire Council will be asked to decide on two retrospective planning applications relating to an unauthorised Gypsy/Traveller site near St Cyrus today. Two applications have been received for a change of use of agricultural land beside Eskview Farm, to the south of St Cyrus and near the Natio

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Cllr Jimmy Black attends a seminar in Perth to launch a series of good practice books on travellers' sites. Theory is easy, real decisions are not. The Scottish Government is working on a new strategy for travelling people; COSLA is wholly behind it; and everyone will pay lip service to it. In short

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Aberdeenshire Council has agreed a new strategy for the provision of sites for the travelling community. Aberdeenshire already has a permanent site at Greenbanks in Banff, but a recent report has argued for more in north, south and central Aberdeenshire.

46-51 of 51 Articles