HACT has highlighted the success of its Fuel Fund scheme which has distributed more than £7 million to social housing residents across England, Scotland and Wales since the programme began in 2020. The initiative has provided much needed energy support to households, enabling thousands of fami
HACT has launched a new report that addresses the growing demand for housing associations to demonstrate the value of community spaces as vital hubs for resident engagement, service delivery and social support. Community Benefits: A Framework to Capture the Impact of Community Spaces has been publis
HACT has revealed that its fuel fund programme has distributed more than £2 million worth of fuel vouchers to households across England, Scotland, and Wales since November 2023. This funding has provided direct energy support to nearly 7,000 households, ensuring critical funds are available to
With HACT’s Age-Friendly Social Housing Programme coming to an end, the organisation has looked back at its collaborative two-year initiative designed to build inclusive communities for older residents across the UK. Since 2022, the Age Friendly programme engaged 35 housing associations within
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) in partnership with HACT has released the evaluation report into its Fuel Support Fund from 2021-2024 which demonstrates the significant impact the Fund has had on social housing tenants across Scotland, generating over £37.5 million in s
HACT has highlighted the success of its Fuel Fund scheme so far which has distributed more than £1 million to social housing residents across England, Scotland and Wales. This initiative has provided much-needed energy support to households, enabling thousands of families and individuals to st
A retrofit credits programme aimed at reducing carbon emissions and enhancing social value through housing retrofits has continued to deliver both carbon reductions at the same time as social impact for social housing residents across the UK. Now in only its second year, HACT and PNZ Carbon sha
HACT has launched its the built environment bank, which will revolutionise the way social value is measured in the built environment by calculating the social value to individuals, local businesses and the Exchequer. The built environment bank will enable housing associations, developers, contractor
The Scottish Government risks presiding over a collapse in housebuilding and needs to take urgent action to tackle the housing emergency, the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has said in response to "dire" new statistics which show the number of homes completed by housing
A comprehensive white paper that explores the critical role of social value and non-financial reporting in driving transformational impact across the UK has been published by Housing Associations Charitable Trust (HACT). The paper, published in collaboration with global professional services network
In the context of a steadily ageing society and the continuing impetus to expand appropriate residential solutions in the community for older people, the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE) is pursuing a series of interlocked projects that consider different aspects of housing adap
The first phase of research commissioned by Shelter Scotland examining how the social impact of affordable housing is measured has been published this week. Carried out by the Housing Associations Charitable Trust (HACT), it identifies a lack of means to understand the difference accessing affordabl
The Energy Hardship Fund, set up by HACT, is aiming to raise £1 million to help residents who are struggling with the cost of their energy bills this winter, providing them with energy and cash vouchers. HACT’s call to action has already seen an amazing response from across the sector wi
An emergency fund for Scottish housing associations to help tenants who are struggling with the cost of their energy bills is now live.
HACT and rent-flex have published a White Paper exploring the benefits of flexible rent services for both residents and social housing organisations. Published today, 'Paid in full: Putting residents in control' draws on the results of a rent-flex pilot with Optivo tenants to determine the key benef