A Glasgow homeless support team and the people they support, collectively known as Portman Peddlers, cycled the 558 miles between Glasgow and Paris to raise money for a Scottish care charity last week.
Hillcrest Housing Association has awarded Ogilvie Construction a £4 million contract to build 40 new homes in Dundee.
Regional managing director Simon Phillips (right) and business development manager Euan McDermott Esh Border Construction has announced a raft of new multi-million pound framework partnerships within Scotland’s social housing sector.
Five Dundee people proved you are never too old to learn new skills when they were awarded employability skill-based accreditations in the city. The Gowrie Care’s clients gained their SCQF Levels 3 and 4 Adult Achievement Awards in partnership with LEAD Scotland.
As part of Hillcrest’s 50 Grand to Lend a Hand fundraising initiative, Big Mac and his Quarter Pounders raised over £260 for the Archie Foundation hosting an afternoon tea at the weekend. Tea and cakes and lots of other treats were on offer for sweet toothed Dundonians to enjoy.
One of Hillcrest's fundraising teams has not only raised a fantastic amount of money but left people in Dundee feeling beautiful. Big Mac and His Quarter Pounders raised £520 by arranging a beauty night at Dundee and Angus College where people were offered a number of treatments including waxing, n
Euan Hird demonstrating a smart meter Hillcrest Housing Association has been awarded £10,000 by Energy Action Scotland to set up a scheme to help people who are in fuel poverty.
A brave Dundee woman was given an extreme spring makeover when her head was shaved to raise money for a foodbank charity. The newly hairless hero, Joy Watson, went under the clippers at Hillcrest Group’s HQ to raise funds for The Trussell Trust.
(from left) Megan Appleton, George Meechan, Raegan McKenna and Fiona Holt A Hillcrest Group project in Dundee has worked with three local people to produce a short stop motion animation film and blog aimed at breaking down stigma surrounding mental health.
Lynn Cunningham Craigowl Communities has transferred its activities to its sister company, Gowrie Care, as of Saturday 1 April.
A triathlon event held at Dundee’s David Lloyd Health Club last weekend has raised over £1000 for Dundee Foodbank. Over 45 people competed in the event, with representatives from David Lloyd Leisure, Monifieth Triathlon Club, Dundee Sweatshop and Hillcrest Housing Association taking part.
The Northern Housing Company has announced plans to redevelopment and modernisation a Dundee housing estate. The Ellengowan estate was built in 1925 and although popular with tenants, the homes fall below modern standards.
Dundee City Council has approved plans to build 163 homes on the site of two former multis in the city’s Hilltown area. The development by Robertson Partnership Homes, on behalf of the council and Hillcrest Housing Association, will see 123 flats and 40 houses built on land where the Bucklemaker a
Plans to build more than 150 homes on the site of two former Dundee multis have been recommended for approval. Councillors on Dundee City Council’s development management committee will discuss a proposal to build 163 residential units on land where the Bucklemaker and Butterburn Court blocks stoo
Dean Noble It’s with sadness that Hillcrest Housing Association has announced that Dean Noble, a valued and much-respected committee member, passed away unexpectedly on 21st December 2016.