Labour will hold a debate in Holyrood this week and move a Parliamentary motion criticising the Scottish Government’s failure to tackle the housing emergency.
Homeless Network Scotland's chief executive Maggie Brünjes responds to new figures that revealed a record-breaking 10,110 children are living in homeless accommodation and an increase in the number of homeless applications. The annual homelessness statistics released yesterday by the Scottish G
A new high quality supported accommodation project in Rutherglen has been given planning permission. The project will be delivered in partnership between South Lanarkshire Council and the charity Social Bite, based at the site of the former Westfield Saw Mills in Harriet Street.
Scotland's housing minister has admitted that newly released annual homelessness statistics showing a record-breaking 10,110 children are living in homeless accommodation and an increase in the number of homeless applications as "deeply concerning".
A Holyrood Committee has raised concerns about a lack of detail in a Bill which proposes a move away from a crisis management approach to a preventative approach to homelessness in Scotland. The Social Justice and Social Security Committee has been scrutinising the homelessness and domestic violence
Homelessness workers in frontline roles have been recognised for the critical jobs they do with the announcement of access to a leading discount scheme.
The Scottish Veterans Commissioner (SVC) has today published her annual assessment of the Scottish Government’s progress in improving support and services for Scotland’s veterans and their families. The report evaluates progress against a number of recommendations, made by the SVC office
An Edinburgh-based PR agency has partnered with Cyrenians to help the charity continue its work to tackle homelessness. Building Relations, which specialises in property and the built environment, will be supporting the charity in a variety of ways, including fundraising, volunteering and awareness
A major new test of change has been launched to explore how to break down barriers to support faced by tens of thousands of people in Scotland who face multiple disadvantages – with their experience made worse by unequal access to help. No Wrong Door Scotland will draw on a wide range of profe
Thousands of students across Scotland are at risk of homelessness and unable to access the right housing in the country's biggest cities, according to a new report for a cross party group of MSPs.
The UK's hostile immigration policy has forced thousands of people in Scotland, including long-standing members of communities, into extreme poverty and homelessness, a new report has revealed.
East Renfrewshire Council has become the 12th local authority in Scotland to declare a housing emergency.
Crisis senior best practice officer, James Mullaney, discusses the lessons that can be learned from interviewing people with experience of homelessness. Homelessness charity Crisis recently ran some research based on detailed interviews with people with experience of homelessness to find out more ab
East Lothian Council has made changes to its housing allocation policy to ease the extreme pressure on the homelessness service and provide improved outcomes for its homeless clients.
Funding to help councils increase the supply of social and affordable homes has been largely allocated to five authorities with sustained temporary accommodation pressures, the Scottish Government has revealed.