Philip Hogg Trade body Homes for Scotland has announced that chief executive Philip Hogg is to leave the organisation in the coming months to become managing director of Bancon Group's homes business.
Homes For Scotland
Philip Hogg The home building industry in Scotland has urged the Scottish Government to follow Prime Minister David Cameron in acting boldly to help meet the home owning aspirations of the majority of Scots.
Nicola Barclay The time taken to decide major housing developments in Scotland has increased to its slowest yet, official figures have shown.
Get into Home Building students celebrate their success at a special graduation event at Edinburgh College Twenty-five young people have successfully completed a six week Prince’s Trust ‘Get into Home Building’ programme, which helps unemployed young people gain practical skills and experience
A new report commissioned by the Scottish Government has highlighted an emerging gap between the housing aspirations of younger and older households. Co-authored by the University of St Andrews and the University of Sheffield, ‘Understanding the Housing Aspirations of People in Scotland’ highlig
Philip Hogg Homes for Scotland has called on the Scottish Government to show similar housebuilding ambitions as England after housing minister Brandon Lewis announced that the UK government wants to see a million homes built south of the border by 2020.
(from left) Crawford Beveridge, Petra Biberbach and John Hamilton The members of an independent panel set up to carry out a “game-changing review” of Scotland’s planning system have been announced by social justice secretary Alex Neil.
The Athletes Village was a successful example of off-site construction Many new homes of the future could be built in factories and delivered to site ready to be assembled if clarity and more detailed understanding on total costings confirm that the approach is competitive, a new report has conclude
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has called for Scotland’s affordable housing target to be increased in order to meet housing need across the country. Responding to the latest housing statistics, which show that the Scottish Government is on track to meet its five-year target
Philip Hogg A six per cent fall in home ownership levels between 2009 and 2014 is largely the result of the dramatic decline in private home building and ongoing issues surrounding large mortgage deposits, according to a homebuilder’s trade body.
Tracey Menzies Delays to planning consent are the most significant barrier to building new homes, according to a survey of the housebuilding sector conducted by law firm Brodies LLP.
Philip Hogg Homes for Scotland has welcomed the publication of a major report which called for a radical look at the future direction of housing policy in Scotland.
Margaret Burgess The Scottish Government is ahead of its five-year target to deliver 30,000 affordable homes by March 2016, despite a decrease in the number of social sector homes being built.
Karen Campbell Lending to first-time buyers in Scotland was down in both value and volume, according to the latest data from the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML).
Family run house builder Springfield Properties has swept the board at this year’s industry Oscars and believes that its family-values is what keeps it the people’s favourite. The company, which has nineteen developments across Scotland, was announced as the Homes for Scotland’s House Builder