Social housing providers could unlock £880 million in financial headroom by improving efficiency and maximising value from within their businesses, according to new research by Housemark.
The social housing sector is facing significant financial and operational challenges caused by void properties, according to Housemark’s latest Voids Club research.
UK social landlords are adopting innovative approaches to address persistent challenges in void management, according to the latest Housemark Pulse survey. The data, gathered from 142 social housing providers and published in January 2025, shows that landlords operating across more than 20 local aut
Sustainability for Housing (SfH) has announced a partnership with Housemark that will take environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting across the UK social housing sector to the next level and provide even greater value to its adopter community. The new collaboration between SfH, the stewar
Housemark has expanded its newly launched Hub with the addition of Ad Esse, a consultancy specialising in Lean process improvement and operational efficiency. The Housemark Hub connects expert partners with housing providers to improve how they use data and make informed decisions across essential a
The social housing sector's resilience under financial pressure has been highlighted in Housemark’s exclusive early release of Value for Money Metrics 2023-24. Despite record-high costs per unit and tough economic conditions, operating margins are rebounding with providers continuing to invest
Research from Housemark has revealed that at least one in five damp and mould cases are being reopened, following recurring issues – highlighting the persistent challenges landlords are facing in tackling this critical area.
Data specialist Housemark has welcomed customer experience consultancy CGA Experience as the latest addition to the newly launched Housemark Hub. This news comes hot on the heels of 3C Consultants, a housing IT & Data consultancy, joining the Hub, as Housemark continues to bring together careful
Housemark, the data specialist, has launched a new Housemark Hub, designed to bring together landlords with best-in-class solutions to improve their use of data. 3C Consultants is the first organisation to join the Hub and will help landlords improve their data quality and governance. Housemark is s
Consumer standards research from Housemark has unveiled significant challenges in England's social housing sector. The housing data specialist has urged housing providers to take action to improve service delivery, tenant satisfaction and asset management performance.
Data company Housemark has accelerated plans to provide next generation analytics for the UK housing sector, bringing in technology and data pioneer Andrew Barham as its new chief technology officer. Andrew has almost two decades’ experience delivering technology-fuelled strategic business tra
Craig March, a principal consultant of data at Housemark, explores how a pragmatic approach to data management can help Scottish social landlords to get a better handle on the challenges they face and result in better outcomes for tenants. Effective data management is a cornerstone for informed deci
A reduced gender pay gap and a leap in the number of landlords paying the Real Living Wage to all employees are some of the highlights included in Housemark's third report analysing the environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance of the social housing sector. Figures from the newly publis
The number of resident complaints is likely to be much higher than official numbers and could be more than 1 million since April 2023, according to analysis by housing data expert Housemark. Although housing providers have recorded 186,000 formal complaints since April 2023, Tenant Satisfaction Meas
Kingdom Group has demonstrated its commitment to providing customers with the best possible service by signing a three-year contract with data and insight company, Housemark. By becoming a member, the Fife-based housing association – which provides more than 7,500 affordable homes for resident