A housing association in England has unearthed more than 800 incorrect records on high-risk properties and asbestos, following an investigation by the Housing Ombudsman.
Housing Ombudsman
The Housing Ombudsman has ordered Sage Homes to conduct an independent review which found failings in Sage Home’s approach to addressing vulnerabilities and safeguarding concerns. The review followed an Ombudsman investigation that found the landlord failed to adequately address a residents&rs
England's Housing Ombudsman has released its latest ‘learning from severe maladministration’ report, focusing on hazards that it sees in its casework ahead of the introduction of Awaab’s Law.
An independent review into a social landlord's maintenance of living roofs has found critical areas for improvement and revealed broader issues relating to safety and maintenance.
The Housing Ombudsman has released its latest ‘learning from severe maladministration’ report, focusing on inspections and timeliness within damp and mould complaints against English housing associations.
England's Housing Ombudsman has released a special report into housing association GreenSquareAccord, highlighting issues in its handling of complaints and repairs. The Ombudsman's investigation revealed a 93% maladministration rate for complaint handling and 79% for property condition, significantl
The Housing Ombudsman in England has launched a special investigation into Wandle Housing Association following its maladministration rate being at 89%, comparatively high for the size of the landlord. During the process, the Ombudsman will engage with landlord staff and residents to understan
England's Housing Ombudsman has released its latest Insight report focusing on shared ownership, setting out nine tests for how the Ombudsman may assess shared ownership complaints in future as it develops its approach.
An independent review into repairs and decants ordered by the Housing Ombudsman has provided 31 recommendations for Peabody to improve services. The review, called a wider order, was made using new powers that require landlords to take steps to prevent future service failure by improving its policy
A social landlord in England left a child’s bedroom window boarded up for four years while another landlord continually put off repairs for years due to incoming major works, which left a vulnerable child in a cold home, the Housing Ombudsman has revealed.
The Housing Ombudsman has launched a special investigation into Lewisham Council following a high maladministration rate, including a significant number of severe maladministration findings, and some compliance issues. The Ombudsman has the powers to do this under paragraph 49 of the Housing Ombudsm
The level at which social landlords in England are failing to comply with the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Failure Orders (CHFO) has reached the highest level ever recorded, the watchdog has found.
Repair systems and patch sizes are amongst the changes being made by A2Dominion following an order by the Housing Ombudsman. The Housing Ombudsman ordered an independent review of A2Dominion’s response to leaks, damp and mould following several severe maladministration findings that have made
The Housing Ombudsman has expressed deep concerns about the handling of window-related complaints in the social housing sector in England.
Sanctuary Group has undertaken a review of nearly 4,000 homes in England following a wider order from the Housing Ombudsman. The order for an independent review of policy and practice was made after the Ombudsman made 2 severe maladministration findings for similar issues handling leaks, damp and mo