An independent evaluation of youth homelessness prevention model Upstream Scotland has concluded that the initiative shows promising early indications. Scottish youth homelessness charity Rock Trust launched Upstream Scotland over a year ago as part of a three-year pilot. The innovative programme is
The UK's hostile immigration policy has forced thousands of people in Scotland, including long-standing members of communities, into extreme poverty and homelessness, a new report has revealed.
A hard-hitting report published today has outlined five key priorities to radically improve support for women facing homelessness, addiction and involvement with the criminal justice system in the UK.
Homelessness levels in Scotland are projected to increase by a third in the space of just two years if ministers fail to change their approach, a new report has found.
A Scottish programme that aims to end destitution and homelessness caused by the UK Government's immigration policy has supported more than 1,200 in its first year, with calls for the partnership to receive the full weight of scaling up support from the Scottish Government. In a new report published
The Homeless World Cup has forged a ground-breaking partnership with Heriot-Watt University and Oriam to tackle the pressing challenges of social exclusion and deprivation head-on.
Ensuring everyone in Scotland has access to adequate housing should be put at the centre of policy-making at every level of government, according to a new call from more than a dozen organisations working across housing, homelessness, local government and the legal sector.
UK homelessness expert Dr Beth Watts-Cobbe is a key author in the team that delivers the regular Crisis Homelessness Monitors and has a long-standing interest in effective altruism and its potential regarding policy and practice in the homelessness sector. The effective altruism movement seeks
Black people are three and a half times as likely to experience statutory homelessness as White British people, according to a new report authored by Heriot-Watt University.
The ‘Housing First’ Pathfinder programme transformed the way some of the most vulnerable people experiencing homelessness are supported across Scotland, a new independent report has found.
The University of Glasgow’s Homelessness Initiative will be launched at a free event in April where Professor Suzanne Fitzpatrick will give her take on the current landscape and explore what drivers contribute to homelessness in Glasgow. The event is the first in a series of public lectures as
The Housing First Pathfinder has been highly effective at supporting people with the sharpest experiences of homelessness to stay in their homes, according to the country’s first evaluation of Housing First, published this week by I-SPHERE at Heriot-Watt University. The independent I
Prof Sarah Johnsen and Dr Janice Blenkinsopp provide an overview of the main findings from the first interim report of the independent evaluation of Scotland’s Housing First Pathfinder programme. Operating in five areas encompassing six local authorities (Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire, Dunde
New research published by the Institute for Social Policy, Housing, Equalities Research (I-SPHERE) based at Heriot-Watt University has found that the planning process in England is reinforcing racial inequality, despite having clear potential to support the needs of ethnic minority residents. The st
The Glasgow Alliance to End Homelessness (GAEH), a unique collaboration that aims to eradicate homelessness in the city, has created an Advisory Council with experts from public health, social policy, housing and the built environment.