New analysis from the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) finds that a combination of welfare reforms, rising numbers of children in the private rented sector and a lack of investment in building social housing has led, and will continue to lead, to increasing child poverty, unless the gover
The Scottish Government has dropped its flagship target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 75% by 2030 after accepting that the interim step is now "out of reach".
New research from IPPR, supported by housing association Stonewater, has found that retrofitting the UK’s housing supply could save the average household £500 per year on their energy bills when the UK Government’s new energy price guarantee comes into effect in April 2023 –
The UK Government is being urged to lift children across the UK from poverty this winter by making three key changes to the social security system.
The Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES) has today released a new report exploring the potential of registered social landlords (RSLs) taking the lead in delivering a just transition in Scotland.
People from EU countries living in Britain are nearly three times more likely to experience rough sleeping than the general adult population and are twice as likely to experience homelessness overall because they struggle to access support, new research from homelessness charity Crisis has revealed.
England should follow Scotland’s lead and introduce open-ended tenancies for private renters, according to a new report by the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR). The left-wing think tank said so-called “no-fault” evictions should be terminated, alongside other sweeping re
A think tank has called on the UK government to recognise the role of key social housing providers and devolve power to help the long-term unemployed after new research revealed the true extent of housing associations’ spending in this area. Housing associations, which provide most of the countryâ