Residents in the Canongate area of Edinburgh's Old Town will benefit from a range of conservation and energy efficiency improvements on track to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions by over 50%.
John Gilbert Architects
Shettleston Housing Association (SHA) has completed a striking new development of 46 affordable homes for rent on its Fenella Street site.
Dumfries and Galloway Small Communities Housing Trust (DGSCHT) has launched a survey to assess the manner in which the lives of people across the South of Scotland during the pandemic have been impacted upon by their homes and living environments. Hoping to secure as broad and diverse a range of res
A £4.5 million retrofit programme to reduce carbon emissions and boost the energy efficiency of 75 terraced homes in Paisley has been cancelled by Renfrewshire Council. The work by the council’s housing investment team was designed to slash heating bills at the 1960s-built crosswall cons
Braemar Community Ltd (BCL) has secured £120,000 in funding from the CAF Venturesome Community Led Housing Fund for the survey and design work on its plans for 15 new affordable homes and one self-build plot in Braemar.
A new affordable housing development is set to transform a vacant site in Glasgow city centre.
Redpath Construction has started work on a project to improve the energy efficiency of the Canongate housing development in Edinburgh.
Wheatley Group has gained planning permission to develop 32 mid-market rent flats on the site of a car park in Calton. Designed by John Gilbert Architects, the part six-storey, part four-storey building will be located on land bounded by Great Dovehill, Little Dovehill and Bell Street.
An innovative housing project in Renfrewshire will help to tackle climate change and could slash annual heating bills to £150. Renfrewshire Council’s housing investment team has been given the green light to deliver a £4.5 million retrofit of 75 terraced council houses.
Shettleston Housing Association’s Cunningham House development was named Best Affordable Housing Development (urban) in the UK-wide Inside Housing Awards. This small, ambitious project saw off strong competition from six quality affordable housing projects across the country to lift the award
Shettleston Housing Association’s church conversion and Passivhaus development has been shortlisted in two categories in the national Inside Housing Awards. Old Carntyne Church, in the east end of Glasgow, was transformed from a semi-derelict building into one of Scotland’s most energy-e
John Gilbert has announced his intention to retire from the architecture practice he founded and led for 27 years Mr Gilbert established John Gilbert Architects in 1992 after the publication of the Tenement Handbook. He built the practice up to be renowned for robust sustainable design, thoughtful c
Building work has started on three family-sized passivhaus certified homes in the village of Closeburn in Dumfries and Galloway.
The ambitious conversion of a semi-derelict building into one of Scotland’s most energy efficient affordable housing developments has been shortlisted for a national award.
Leading architects, designers and builders are to partner with researchers at The Glasgow School of Art (GSA) to develop a specific Scottish approach to Passivhaus. The Mackintosh Environmental Architecture Research Unit (MEARU) at GSA, together with John Gilbert Architects, Stewart & Shields an