Kingdom Housing Association has successfully retained its Investors in People accreditation for its commitment to training, motivating and rewarding its employees. Bill Banks, chief executive of Kingdom Housing Association, said: “At Kingdom, we really do believe that our employees are key in our
Kingdom Housing Association
Mr Bill McGovern of High Valleyfield in his new wet floor shower room The Fife Care and Repair Service, which is managed and operated by Kingdom Housing Association and funded by Fife Council, has been given an emphatic vote of confidence by users with satisfaction levels reaching 98 per cent.
A new independent energy supply company, the first in the UK operating on a non-profit distributing basis, plans to be selling heat and power to tenants in 200,000 homes across Scotland by 2020. Our Power Energy, a subsidiary of Our Power Community Benefit Society, has been founded by 35 member orga
Kirkcaldy is to benefit from a new project by Kingdom Housing Association which will see the construction of 15 new affordable, energy-efficient homes at a cost of £1.5 million.
Links St, Kirkcaldy The steel sculpture was commissioned through Andy Scott and is based on the history of Kirkcaldy. The design is inspired by the Links Market and two of Kirkcaldy’s famous sons, Architect Robert Adam and Sir Sandford Fleming who was a major pioneer of Canada’s railways, invent
Pupils at St Agathas Primary School demonstrate the project to the Greenshoots Trustees Fife school pupils are taking part in a ground-breaking energy efficiency project that enables them to learn how to conserve energy, protect the environment and cut the fuel bills of the future.
Fife housing associations have held an event to develop a strategy to ensure that tenants are able to access the internet and benefit from support and training to make the most of information technology. The event was organised by Fife Housing Association Alliance and staff from Fife, Glen, Kingdom
The application period for Scotland’s leading environmental award scheme is drawing to a close and Scottish housing businesses are encouraged to enter their green credentials for a chance to join the country’s list of sustainable champions. All entries for this year’s VIBES Awards, which recog
(left to right) Alan Russell, senior manager, Fife Council; Bill Banks, chief executive, Kingdom Housing; Councillor Judy Hamilton, executive spokesperson for housing and building services; Charles Milne, chairman, Kingdom Housing; John Mills, head of housing, Fife Council and leader of Fife Council
From left to right: Charles Milne, Chairperson with Kingdom, Ahsan Khan, Head of Housing Clackmannanshire Council, Cllr Les Sharp, Council Leader and Convener of the Housing Health and Care Committee, Bill Banks, Chief Executive, Kingdom Work has started on a new affordable housing project created t
Mr Sangster receiving his ASDA voucher Over eighty Fife tenants have attended events in Dunfermline and Glenrothes to receive support and advice on the forthcoming implementation of Universal Credit.
Winning Link Group team- John Robertson, Martin Montgomery and Carol Kerr Lintel Trust's 21st Annual Charity Golf Tournament took place at Williamwood Golf Club in Glasgow on Friday 12 June.
Committee Members of Williamson Hall being presented with a cheque for £100 Kingdom Housing Association has thrown its support behind the Abernethy Fete, which is a very important fundraiser for the management committee of the village’s Williamson Hall.
(from left to right) Michelle Flynn, Clacks Council, community & tenant participation co-ordinator; Julie Watson, Kingdom Housing Association senior development services officer; Josie Clark, Delph Pond Forum; Muriel Lockerbie, Delph Pond Forum; Christine Calder - (cutting the ribbon), Delph Pon
Clackmannanshire Council is in the early stages of a plan to further regenerate Alloa town centre by building affordable housing on a derelict site. Working in partnership with the Scottish Government, the council has acquired a significant piece of land at Primrose Street, Alloa, adjacent to the Sp