Housing federations from across the UK have written an open letter to party leaders calling for the introduction of a social tariff in the energy market.
National Housing Federation
Seventeen leading housing sector bodies have voiced their acute concerns about the British homes for British workers policy rumoured to be under consideration by the UK Government. ...
Phoenix and the National Housing Federation (NHF) have partnered to create a new report that features revealing insights into the impact cyber attacks are having on the ...
A new UK Government-backed scheme has been launched which provides free legal advice to help 38,000 people a year at risk of losing their home.
A cap on social housing rent increases could be put in place for the coming financial year in England under proposals being consulted on by the UK ...
Plans for thousands of affordable homes are likely to be dropped as billions of pounds are set aside to fix the building safety crisis, UK builders have ...
The UK Government has today allocated funding worth £8.6 billion for its Affordable Homes Programme which will deliver around 119,000 homes, including 57,000 for ownership, 29,600 for social rent and 6,250 ...
The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has joined forces with housing association representatives in England, Wales and Northern Ireland to call on the UK Government to extend ...
A Scottish initiative to create jobs for people with experience of homelessness has achieved success in England. Speaking in a blog for the National Housing Federation, PA Housing ...
A new social housing charter has been launched in England which sets out reforms that aim to speed up the complaints procedure for residents and make landlords ...
A new COVID-19 Housing and Employment Taskforce has launched, bringing key leaders from the housing and employment sectors together to work with government and policy makers, to ensure ...
Housing secretary Robert Jenrick has announced emergency legislation to ensure no renters in England will be forced out of their home during the coronavirus pandemic. Announcing a ...
Hundreds of housing associations from every part of the UK have come together to launch an ambitious innovation programme to tackle the biggest challenges in the sector. ...
As the SFHA reveals Housing Futures as the fourth strand of its Innovation and Future Thinking programme, Lorna Wilson shares her thoughts on the announcement. In 2018, ...
Rhys Moore has been appointed as executive director of public impact at the National Housing Federation. Mr Moore joined the trade body for housing associations in England ...