Ng Homes

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Pitstops graduates new and old celebrated with guests Robert Tamburrini, CEO ng homes, Bob Doris MSP and Jack Lewars, COO School of Hard Knocks Seventeen graduates have celebrated completing the first all girls cohort of an ng homes project which uses rugby as a creative social engagement tool.

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A new pilot project is set to reduce the amount of applications social housing applicants have to fill out in the Glasgow area. Eventually encompassing all housing organisations in the city, the Glasgow Housing Register (GHR) has initially started as a pilot in the north west of Glasgow with 13 hous

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SHARE’s AGM was held last month however there was a lot more going on that just the usual business. The organisation welcomed three new committee members Michael Hesketh from Paragon Housing Association, Lisa Scott from Hillhead Housing Association 2000 and Jim Berrington from ng homes.

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Sandra White with old friends Joy and Ronald Liu The support from an MSP to a Chinese family struggling with anti-social behaviour in 1980s Paisley helped inspire a short trip up the M8 for 25 Chinese tenants and attendees of ng homes cultural programmes.

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Some youngsters get presented with a cheque Young people across North Glasgow have come together to develop projects, present them to the community and help decide which should be allocated funding as part of an inspiring local initiative.

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ng homes chairperson John Fury and staff with the Investors in People Gold and Health & Wellbeing awards Since the turn of the year ng homes has been delighted to receive no fewer than four high profile awards.

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Minister for employability & training, Jamie Hepburn MSP, visited ng homes’ Pitstops personal development project this week to see first-hand the success of the initiative. Pitstops is a Big Lottery-funded partnership project between ng homes and social inclusion charity School of Hard Knocks,

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Lintel Trust, part of the Link group of social enterprises, held a successful Digital Participation event with support from ng homes and Queens Cross Housing Association.

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Councillor Frank McAveety, leader of Glasgow City Council joins Marilyn Clewes, chair, Queens Cross Housing Association; Roger Popplewell, chair, Maryhill Housing; John Fury, chair, ng homes as they sign the new Charter to Challenge Poverty Three housing associations which represent more than 12,500

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Amreeta Kaur and Colette Lowe from Bridges out of Poverty (seated) with ng homes tenants who completed the first Gettng Ahead programme Tenants of ng homes have recently completed the Getting Ahead programme with Scottish charity Bridges out of Poverty which helps people in Glasgow move out of pover

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ng homes residents are getting their hands dirty at their local allotment this season and members of the North Glasgow community are invited to join growing sessions to learn about sowing, cultivating, and most importantly harvesting food in a natural, organic way. The allotment workshops are part o

106-120 of 151 Articles