Westpoint Homes is to progress with its plans to replace a redundant Glasgow police station with a residential block following the sale of the site.
The St Michael’s Wynd development in Kilwinning has been completed, bringing a diverse range of much-needed homes to the North Ayrshire community. The £12.34 million contract was delivered by GRAHAM on behalf of North Ayrshire Council and its development partner, hub South West. The 79 n
A new residential care village development with 58 flats, six sheltered bungalow homes and a cafe is planned on empty land on the Kirkcaldy waterfront. Grant Road Properties Ltd has lodged a planning application for the development with associated site access, car parking and external works at 397 -
Revised plans to build a block of apartments beside the ferry slipway in Yoker have gained approval from Glasgow City Council.
A Scottish Government reporter has approved Aberdeen Harbour Board’s plans for more than 250 homes on the banks of the River Dee in Torry after an appeal was lodged into the local authority's decision to reject the application.
Plans to deliver 258 homes on the banks of the River Dee in Torry looked set to be approved by the Scottish Government despite the application being unanimously rejected by councillors.
hub South West has agreed a £12.43 million social housing contract with Graham Construction to build 79 new homes in Kilwinning on behalf of North Ayrshire Council.
Plans have been submitted for 22 identical 'upside-down' terraced properties in Venlaw, Peebles.
A disused garage site in East Kilbride town centre has been earmarked for the development of 28 new flats.
Castlehill Housing Association has progressed plans for 220 homes at Chapelwell.
Stewart Milne Homes has unveiled proposals to build up to 200 properties to the east of Falkland Avenue in Cove.
Plans to develop 256 homes and a park on the banks of the River Dee in Torry have been submitted by the Aberdeen Harbour Board. A proposal of application notice has been lodged with Aberdeen City Council for the development on a strip of land between the river and South Esplanade West ahead of the p
Aberdeenshire Council has approved proposals to convert a derelict petrol station in Fraserburgh into 35 new homes. Grampian Housing Association unveiled proposals last year to demolish the remnants of the petrol station on Cross Street and build new affordable homes to help ease the council’s hou
View from the north of the Aden Park site Plans have been lodged to build new homes in an Aberdeenshire village on behalf of Castlehill Housing Association.