North Lanarkshire Council has reaffirmed its commitment as a landlord to its tenants by signing the Scottish Housing Regulator’s Assurance Statement. The Assurance Statement ensures landlords are ...
North Lanarkshire Council
North Lanarkshire Council has reported an increase in tenant participation in its housing service. This year the council has seen a 35% increase in applications for its ...
Campaigners, organisations and charities across Scotland are coming together to take part in this year’s Challenge Poverty Week with today's theme focusing on housing.
University Health and Social Care North Lanarkshire has appointed Claire Rae as its new chief officer. Claire, who starts her new role on Tuesday 1 October, brings ...
Lovell joined a long-term resident at a home they built in Holytown for afternoon tea ahead of Scottish Housing Day, which this year highlighted the role well-designed ...
A new Engagement and Participation strategy encouraging greater public involvement, engagement and participation in University Health & Social Care North Lanarkshire’s services has now been launched.
Construction for nine new homes at Berryknowe Avenue, in the village of Chryston, North Lanarkshire, has been completed for Caledonia Housing Association. Built by Morris & Spottiswood, ...
Two newly completed council housing developments in Airdrie are providing an additional 56 homes for residents in the town. Housing convener Michael McPake visited the two new ...
Tenants are now settling into their new build houses in Coatbridge thanks to an “off the shelf” partnership agreement between North Lanarkshire Council and Allanwater Homes.
A record number of people living in North Lanarkshire have been supported by the council’s tackling poverty team - and other services - to secure the benefits ...
The remarkable transformation of the historic Orrs Department Store site in Airdrie is now complete with council tenants now enjoying their new surroundings. Located in the heart ...
Tenants have moved into the final 53 homes of North Lanarkshire's largest council housing development at Dykehead Road, Airdrie, which has seen towers demolished and replaced ...
Affordable homes for rent are to be included in the development of the first phase of new homes planned for the site at Mid Forest, Cumbernauld, ...
A Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) has been submitted to North Lanarkshire Council for the extraction and remediation works of 200 acres of land at Ravenscraig, ...
New household recycling facilities for flats in North Lanarkshire have delivered a significant improvement in recycling levels.