Ellie Hutchinson By Ellie Hutchinson at Shelter Scotland
Shelter Scotland helps over half a million people every year who are struggling with bad housing or homelessness, but we’re always looking to do more to make sure that people know they’re not alone in the fight against bad housing and homelessness. Many people across Scotland can’t, or for a v
By Adam Balfour Election fever is nearly upon us again and it will soon be time for the Scottish electorate to debate the direction of its next government. At Shelter Scotland we think politicians’ attention should be set squarely on housing.
Mike Dailly Mike Dailly suggests an unequal relationship between tenants and landlords means many of the former are leading lives of misery.
Fiona King Great leaps forward in housing policy since devolution, but huge challenges remain
James Battye James Battye at Shelter Scotland says renting in Scotland needs to change.
Graeme Brown There’s a lot to do to make the Scottish housing market meet the needs and expectations of people in Scotland. There’s the challenge of an ageing population and making sure the homes we have are right for older citizens. There’s the need to protect fragile rural communities by ens
Professor Kenneth Gibb By Professor Kenneth Gibb
Lesley Fraser Lesley Fraser on what has happened since the Scottish Housing Event at Murrayfield on 18 November 2014.
By the Living Rent Campaign Perhaps the most important question about reforming or growing the private rented sector is currently not part of the debate: do people actually want to rent from a private landlord? The sector is growing quickly, and the Scottish Government looks set to encourage that gr
Kirsty McKechnie In a guest blog for Shelter Scotland, Kirsty McKechnie, welfare rights worker for Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) in Scotland, gives the story so far for Universal Credit.
John Perry Up to 20,000 refugees will be resettled in Britain from Syria. How can social landlords engage with this and other schemes to help people who are on their way or already here? CIH policy adviser John Perry shares his assessment.
Louise Hosking The Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM) came into force on 6th April 2015 and has implications for anyone organising work on their home.
Alison Watson By Alison Watson at Shelter Scotland
Housing and social security have a central role to play in the Scottish Government’s programme for government 2015-16, published this week. CIH Scotland policy and practice officer Ashley Campbell takes a look at the detail. The Scottish Government’s legislative programme for 2015/16 acknowledge