Paisley Housing Association has been given a significant endorsement by its tenants in its latest customer opinion survey. The impressive results, with approval ratings in one case hitting a maximum 100%, confirm the Association remains highly-regarded by the people it serves.
Paisley Housing Association
Paisley Housing Association has worked together with Paisley artist Mark Worst to create a new large mural called 'The Young Poet'. The partnership has resulted in the creation of a fresh new look upon a tenement in Paisley which is now home to the mural.
A consortium which represents housing associations based in East Renfrewshire, Inverclyde and Renfrewshire is to host a Meet the Buyer event for its highly successful property investment and maintenance related Framework for 2020 - 2024. The i-Flair consortium published a Prior Information Notice (P
Housing associations in Renfrewshire and East Renfrewshire have shone the spotlight on the work they do helping communities. FLAIR – made up of six social housing providers – have been at the forefront of regeneration for 30 years as they strive to improve housing and make lives better.
Before and after the installations
CCG Asset Management, the planned maintenance division for CCG (Scotland) Ltd, is to carry out kitchen and bathroom replacements in around 88 properties for Paisley Housing Association. The contract was procured through the i-FLAIR Property Maintenance Framework, a 4-year agreement between housing a
Councillor Marie McGurk and Sanctuary’s Gillian Lavety Renfrewshire Council has unveiled a five-year plan to deliver more than 1000 high-quality, affordable homes across the region over the next five years.