Councillors from Stirling Council have approved a new £112 million housing investment plan to deliver nearly 1,000 affordable homes across the region. The Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP) for Stirling sets out the council’s affordable housing priorities for the next five years.
Places For People Scotland
Eleven social landlords are to benefit from Scottish Government grants to provide warmer and cheaper-to-heat homes.
Plans for further opportunities for social housing have been revealed as West Lothian Council met to discuss details on the updated Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP).
Castle Rock Edinvar has named Ben Dyer to the new role of technology and innovation lead to oversee the integration of data and technological advances with the housing association’s operations. Ben takes up the post from his position as finance business analyst at Castle Rock Edinvar, part of
Neil Ross has been appointed as the new director of placemaking opportunities for Castle Rock Edinvar Housing Association. Mr Ross will spearhead development activity in relation to innovations, partnerships and investment.
Work to deliver 800 new homes and a new primary school at one of the gateways into Haddington is well under way with a number of developers on site at various stages of construction.
This is the second in a series of blog posts reflecting on approaches to delivering alternative tenures in Scotland. In the first post, Professor Moira Munro reflects on some of the main points of discussion from a recent roundtable hosted by Shelter Scotland. In this post, the second in the series,
Richard Jennings Richard Jennings, managing director at Castle Rock Edinvar Housing Association, writes on the link between placemaking and marketing.
Retired Castle Rock Edinvar Housing Association tenants have celebrated the positive transformation of the Older Person's Forum for residents. David Grant, who took up the post of Forum chair a year ago, said meetings are now more positive and focus on promoting a positive lifestyle for those it rep
Housing minister Kevin Stewart Housing minister Kevin Stewart has announced a multi-million pound investment in a mid-market rent scheme that will deliver 1000 new homes across Scotland.
Aerial view of The Engine Yard on Leith Walk, Edinburgh New images show the extent the £75 million Engine Yard development will transform a 4.5 acre neglected brownfield site on Leith Walk, providing much needed housing in a new community close to Edinburgh city centre.
An example of Barratt’s affordable homes at Barratt @ The Gyle The UK’s largest housebuilder has delivered over 150 affordable homes in Edinburgh to social housing providers in the last 12 months.
Urgent action is required to reverse the shortage of housing for older and disabled people as Scotland struggles to meet the needs of a rapidly ageing population, according to a new alliance of charities and other organisations. Age Scotland, the Scottish Older People’s Assembly, Castle Rock Edinv
Tim Jones More than a quarter of a billion pounds has been raised by independent not-for-profit Allia to help tackle global and local issues such as unemployment, social exclusion and affordable housing – with half that sum (£125 million) being issued in 2017 alone.
Properties previously delivered by Ambassador Homes Private equity and property manager Maven Property has raised £4.6 million to fund the development of two residential property sites in Renfrew and Clackmannan in conjunction with Ambassador Homes.