Castle Rock Edinvar Housing Association’s care and support subsidiary Places for People Scotland Care & Support is set to spin-out from the Places for People Group and relaunch as With You in 2018. The move will allow the organisation to be more flexible in developing life-changing support ser
Places For People Scotland
Richard Jennings Residents of a Leith street who once feared they might lose their homes have benefitted from a £1 million housing improvement programme thanks to Castle Rock Edinvar Housing Association.
Maureen Crawford A Midlothian resident has been recognised at a national awards ceremony for her exceptional sense of community and kindness towards her neighbours.
As part of its 50th anniversary celebrations the University of Stirling is hosting an open event to stimulate debate on the future of housing and how our housing system can underpin wider economic and social developments. Innovation in Housing: a force for wider benefits?
Richard Jennings The Edinburgh Region has recently signed a City Deal that has sadly missed the mark when it comes to Placemaking, writes Castle Rock Edinvar managing director Richard Jennings.
Up to 3,000 new homes will be created through a pioneering partnership model with Aberdeen City Council Places for People's diversification strategy has enabled the business to report another set of strong results helping it to increase investment in both new housebuilding and improving and maintain
Josh Littlejohn outside the new project for Social Bite The houses for Social Bite’s new village are now under construction with members of Edinburgh’s homeless community expected to be onsite before Christmas this year, Social Bite co-founder, Josh Littlejohn MBE, confirmed today.
Residents of a Midlothian street are set to benefit from lower fuel bills and cosier homes thanks to a Scottish Government grant obtained by Castle Rock Edinvar. The four-in-a-block former coal board homes at Wallace Crescent in Roslin were built nearly seventy years ago using solid brick, which ha
Richard Jennings Castle Rock Edinvar managing director Richard Jennings asks whether other countries can provide inspiration on how to improve the quality of city living for the next 100 years.
People with disabilities in Edinburgh will get access to new opportunities to learn to play, perform and record music thanks to a grant of £5000 from Castle Rock Edinvar. The grant from the Community Grant Fund will support Drake Music Scotland's Musicspace programme which provides group and one-to
A Castle Rock Edinvar money advice project, set up with partners Citizens Advice Edinburgh, and fellow housing associations Dunedin Canmore, Blackwood, Hillcrest and Port of Leith, has helped tenants save over £1.4 million worth of debt. Funded by The Big Lottery, the Money Matters Project was crea
Castle Rock Edinvar MD Richard Jennings, Tenant Nick Martin at his home at Darag, Bogwood Road, Mayfield, Dalkeith and Cabinet Member for Housing and Customer Services Councillor Stephen Curran. An empty Midlothian property, dubbed an eyesore by locals, has been transformed into quality affordable h
The Scottish Government has reaffirmed its determination to work with housing associations to help promote digital inclusion and participation. Releasing its new digital strategy this week, the government said it intends to place digital at the heart of everything it does from reforming public servi
Ambitious plans to help regenerate Clackmannan took a step forward last week when new actions to deliver new affordable housing, community enterprise facilities, streetscape improvements and the relocation of a local business to new premises were agreed by the local authority. Funding of over £5 mi
Richard Jennings Castle Rock Edinvar’s Richard Jennings asks how do we innovate to solve the problem of too many people living in cold homes?