East Lothian Council has concluded a legal agreement worth £8.3 million to purchase 71 flats and houses on two sites at Hallhill, Dunbar from Mansell Homes (part of the Balfour Beatty group). The houses, which will become part of the council’s housing stock, will be built by local firm Hart Build
Places For People Scotland
A Scottish sandwich business with a social conscience, which has taken on the high street chains to compete in the lunchtime market, has become a catering supplier to Castle Rock Edinvar.
A new independent energy supply company, the first in the UK operating on a non-profit distributing basis, plans to be selling heat and power to tenants in 200,000 homes across Scotland by 2020. Our Power Energy, a subsidiary of Our Power Community Benefit Society, has been founded by 35 member orga
Housing minister Margaret Burgess with Fortune Place resident Mrs Jean Ross Housing minister Margaret Burgess has visited the first residents at a recently completed development that is set to become a new model of housing for older people.
Norman Kerr says the Scottish Government could do more to improve the energy efficiency of homes The debate raged on at the CIH Scotland Energy Efficiency, Fuel Poverty and Renewables event, supported by Forster Energy, as to whether the carrot or the stick is best at lifting Scotland’s households
Art students brighten up Edinburgh Students from Edinburgh College of Art have been working with Castle Rock Edinvar, and Places for People Scotland Care and Support service users to add some light and colour to the Cowgate area of Edinburgh.
Alex Neil Falkirk Council’s Local Government Pension Scheme Fund has awarded fund manager Hearthstone Investments £30 million to invest in social and affordable housing in Scotland.
Almost 100 new homes are to be built in the Falkirk area in a move that will also provide an income for the local authority's pension fund. Members of Falkirk Council’s executive committee agreed to bring forward an Affordable Housing Grant to help fund new developments.
(left to right) Norrie Davies, chair, Craigmillar Community Council; Mark Harris, head of development, EDI Group Ltd; Alister Steele, managing director, Castle Rock Edinvar Housing Association; Bruce Lindsay, development manager, CCG (Scotland) Ltd); Councillor Mike Bridgman, member of Parc Craigmil
A local heat storage initiative by Castle Rock Edinvar Housing Association is one of five projects across Scotland to benefit from more than £20 million in funding that will help reshape how energy is delivered and used in communities throughout the country. The funding allocation, from the Local E
Margaret Burgess A further £2 million is to be invested in charitable bonds to help boost the supply of affordable homes, housing minister Margaret Burgess confirmed yesterday.