Newton Property Management, a provider of property factoring services across Scotland, has opened a new office in Inverclyde. Newton delivers transparent, efficient property management services nationwide with offices currently in Glasgow, Aberdeen and Inverness.
Uncertainty over policy direction has led Scotland’s private rental sector (PRS) to undergo "a reset", after a mixed year for rental growth across the country during 2024, according to Gilson Gray. The full-service legal firm’s analysis of data from Citylets pointed to stalling rents in
A campaign to increase awareness of tenants’ rights was launched today by housing minister Paul McLennan. The campaign includes information about where renters can go to access help and advice.
Reforms to the rental market in Scotland are not empowering tenants to challenge bad practice in the sector, according to new research. The data shows that only a small minority of tenants are taking complaints about property conditions to the Tribunal created to resolve disputes where landlo
A bespoke property factoring service operating across Scotland has announced a major new recruit. Nic Mayall, formerly managing director of James Gibb and a past president of the Property Managers Association Scotland (PMAS), played a key role in transforming James Gibb into one of Scotland’s
Lettings and estate agency DJ Alexander has said rent levels in Scotland are best left to the market to determine, arguing that rent controls have inadvertently fuelled rent increases. The firm said that the latest statistics on rent levels in the private rented sector (PRS) show that rents have bee
Temporary restrictions on rent increases in the private rented sector will be withdrawn at the end of March 2025, the Scottish Government has confirmed. The measures were introduced in 2022 to help people during the cost-of-living crisis and were due to come to an end in March.
The City of Edinburgh Council has agreed changes to its licensing policy on short-term lets (STLs) that will water down key health and safety requirements for homesharers during the Festival period to try to ease the acute shortages of visitor accommodation.
More than half of Scotland’s landlords are considering removing properties from the market, new research has found. According to a December 2024 survey by the Scottish Association of Landlords (SAL), 53% of landlords are now considering reducing the size of their portfolios.
The Scottish Government has struck a balance on rent controls but the policy has yet to be tested, property agent membership body Propertymark has told MSPs. The Housing (Scotland) Bill was introduced on 26 March 2024 and will require local authorities to study rent levels in their jurisdictions at
Matthew Aitchison, valuations & advisory partner at Knight Frank Scotland, discusses the implications of the proposed changes to Scotland's rent controls for the PRS market. Few policy changes in the property sector have received more attention than the rent controls and eviction ban originally
Karen Gatherum delves into the complexities and inconsistencies of Edinburgh's new short-term let regulations, highlighting the challenges faced by those wishing to operate short-term lets and the potential negative impact on the city's tourism capacity. Short-term lettings has been one of the bigge
A former landlord who alleged that his tenants had stolen a set of shutters and failed to pay for replacement carpets has been refused permission to appeal his two cases against them to the Upper Tribunal for Scotland after it upheld the First-tier Tribunal’s decision in both cases that no los
The Association of Scotland’s Self-Caterers (ASSC) has highlighted a new report which it said "comprehensively refutes the false narrative" that short-term lets are driving the housing crisis in Edinburgh and beyond.
Clan Gordon, the Edinburgh letting agency, has been recognised for its exceptional customer service and commitment to raising industry standards, securing three prestigious awards in 2024. The agency received accolades at two major events in the lettings industry: