There were 17,504 social housing sales throughout England in 2023-24, a 28% decrease on the previous year, new social housing sales and demolitions data published by the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government has shown.
The Scottish Government should revisit its housebuilding plans in response to the new UK government to avoid "falling behind", a major business has said. In her first first speech as Chancellor, Rachel Reeves announced the UK government’s new mandatory housebuilding targets for England as well
Social landlords are bracing for further headwinds amid the election uncertainty, according to audit, tax, and consulting firm RSM UK. John Guest, national head of social housing at RSM, says that while the latest flatlining of GDP in April and rising unemployment rates will have mainly dampened act
More landlords predict Scotland will attract the most residential property investment outside of London and the South East in the next three years, according to RSM UK’s Real Estate 360 survey. Research commissioned by the audit, tax and consulting firm shows that 14% of landlords believe Scot
A vacant builder’s yard and workshop in Bannockburn village has been sold out of liquidation to property developers Lovell Partnership Ltd in a deal which will regenerate the historical site and create 41 new homes, including ten affordable properties. Paul Dounis and Lindsey Cooper of RSM Res
Airbnb UK has received a warning from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) that legal proceedings could be initiated against the company over "tax laws or regulations impacting the company's business".
Mike Bruce suggests an alternative headline for Scottish Housing News, and offers an informative look at the question of board remuneration in the process. Reading the recent article in which Kelly Adams of RSM considers the question of payment for board members in our sector, I was struck by just h
A new survey has highlighted a divergence in approach to Board remuneration by housing associations in Scotland and England. Audit, tax & consulting services provider RSM said the majority of housing associations in Scotland continue to resist Board remuneration despite growing positivity for it
Audit, tax and consulting firm RSM has partnered with HMRC’s Social Housing Sector team to advise housing associations in Scotland of the tax risks facing the sector and how to navigate the challenges to ensure organisations remain compliant. The events were the first of their kind in the sector a