Reforms to the rental market in Scotland are not empowering tenants to challenge bad practice in the sector, according to new research. The data shows that only a small minority of tenants are taking complaints about property conditions to the Tribunal created to resolve disputes where landlo
Safedeposits Scotland
Up to 45 young Scots are set to benefit from a series of financial education programmes delivered by UK charity MyBnk following a donation from SafeDeposits Scotland.
Tenancy deposit protection scheme SafeDeposits Scotland has announced a boost to the funds available via its small grants programme as the SafeDeposits Scotland Community Fund enters its fourth funding round since launching in June last year. The not-for-profit organisation introduced the SafeDeposi
Tenancy deposit protection scheme SafeDeposits Scotland has partnered with housing association charity Lintel Trust to host a community event on Thursday 5th October, and is encouraging members of the public to get involved.
Glasgow-based tenancy deposit protection scheme SafeDeposits Scotland has today launched a new Community Fund, designed to provide small grants to projects enhancing communities across the length and breadth of Scotland. The SafeDeposits Scotland Community Fund will award grants up to a maximum valu
Tenancy deposit protection scheme SafeDeposits Scotland has introduced a Rent Deposit Fund, which will offer non-returnable deposits to young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness to assist them in moving into the private rented sector (PRS). The scheme has joined forces with Scottish y
SafeDeposits Scotland has presented funds of £1,180, raised at a quiz night organised by the tenancy deposit scheme, to Scottish youth-specific homeless charity the Rock Trust. The 'Not Quite Burns Night Pub Quiz' was held in Glasgow on 22nd January, a few days before the birthday of Scotland&
Tenancy deposit scheme SafeDeposits Scotland is protecting more than 150,000 deposits for the first time in its history. The not-for-profit organisation, which began operating in 2012, passed the record figure for active tenancy deposits it protects at the end of November.
More landlords and tenants are opting to solve disputes independently, saving them weeks of waiting and potential stress caused by lengthy formal processes, new figures from SafeDeposits Scotland have revealed. Between April and June, the Glasgow-based tenancy deposit scheme saw the percentage
SafeDeposits Scotland has revealed that tenants in Edinburgh could be due a share of £210,776, after failing to claim back deposits at the end of their tenancies. The Glasgow-based tenancy deposit scheme holds deposits on behalf of landlords and agents in line with government regulations desig
Tenants across Scotland could be due a share of £697,554 after failing to claim back deposits at the end of their tenancies, SafeDeposits Scotland has revealed. In 2019, the Glasgow-based tenancy deposit scheme tracked down 2,750 tenants that had forgotten to claim their deposits back. In
SafeDeposits Scotland has been recognised for its exceptional levels of customer service by the consumer industry’s top independent validator, The Customer Service Excellence Standard (CSE). The Glasgow-based tenancy deposit scheme holds deposits on behalf of landlords and
SafeDeposits Scotland has launched a new service designed to help tenants and landlords who have experienced issues with rent arrears as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Glasgow-based tenancy deposit scheme holds deposits on behalf of landlords and agents in line with government regulations de
SafeDeposits Scotland is working with landlords who provide student accommodation to help overcome challenges brought on by COVID-19, as the number of overseas students returning to the UK drops.
The majority of Scottish landlords (99.9%) comply with tenancy deposit laws, however, at least 290 landlords failed to protect tenancy deposits since 1 December 2017, according to new research by SafeDespotits Scotland. SafeDeposits looked into published cases heard by the First-tier Tribunal for Sc