Salvation Army

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“We have a theory of change which demonstrates the changes we are hoping to see in people's lives that will ultimately help us achieve our vision of a world where everyone has an equal chance to create a safe and supportive place to call home.” Returning to the subject of homelessness, K

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Col. Sylvia Hinton, secretary for Scotland with The Salvation Army, provides insight into the charity's new report that champions access to addiction and mental health support to prevent repeat homelessness. It is said that when our founder William Booth saw men sleeping under the bridges of Lo

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The Scottish Housing News Charity Spotlight feature highlights the vital work of charities across Scotland each Friday. To include your local charity, whether housing-related or not, send your story and images to us at

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Malcolm Page leads a call from The Salvation Army for a system to be put in place that measures and records rough sleeping in Scotland. Publication of Scotland’s Homelessness Statistics today again underline the scale of the challenge we face preventing and stopping homelessness. Woven th

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Ensuring everyone in Scotland has access to adequate housing should be put at the centre of policy-making at every level of government, according to a new call from more than a dozen organisations working across housing, homelessness, local government and the legal sector.

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New figures obtained by The Salvation Army have revealed a drop in the number of people experiencing homelessness in South Ayrshire. The figures, which were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request, indicate that in 2018/2019 there were 1008 residents in temporary accommodation in South

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Housing First has delivered almost 250 Glasgow tenancies for people experiencing homelessness within the city. Former bar worker, Fraser, is starting a new life in a secure settled tenancy after experiencing homelessness on and off since his teens. Four weeks ago, the 44-year-old got the keys to a f

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Cunninghame Housing Association held charity events at its Long Service Awards celebration night in late November 2021 which raised a total of £5,259.50 for its two charities The Salvation Army and North Ayrshire Foodbank. The Association presented a cheque for £2,000 along with toys to

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Thousands of Scottish people who are experiencing homelessness could become "trapped" between homelessness and unsuitable bed and breakfast accommodation, campaigners from The Salvation Army have warned. The Salvation Army Homelessness in Scotland report has revealed that local councils across Scotl

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