Scotland Excel is marking Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2025 by celebrating the achievements of its community benefits programme that’s delivered more than 40 apprenticeships in the past year. A total of 42 apprenticeships have been created across the country by suppliers – in direct resp
Scotland Excel
Fleming has been named as an approved contractor on Scotland Excel’s 2nd generation New Build Residential Construction Framework.
Irvine-based McLaughlin Construction has been re-appointed as one of only 18 contractors selected for the second generation of Scotland Excel's New Build Residential Construction Contract. The company has been appointed to lots one to four, covering design and build as well as build only, for develo
Clark Contracts has been re-appointed to Scotland Excel’s £1.5 billion New Build Residential Construction Framework. The contractor has been appointed to all 5 lots of the framework which covers both the traditional build and design and build, of various sizes of housing developments acr
Construction firm The JR Group has successfully expanded its presence on the coveted Scotland Excel New Build Residential Construction framework, mirroring the company’s impressive growth. The company has been named an approved contractor across the Scottish mainland, which means Scottish coun
Scotland Excel has joined a new national initiative that aims to strengthen opportunities for social enterprises within the country’s supply chains. The centre of procurement expertise has signed up to The Buy Social Scotland Pledge (led by Social Enterprise Scotland) as part of its commitment
The tender is live for Scotland Excel’s New Build Residential Framework – the organisation’s largest construction framework that is forecast to be worth £1.5 billion over four years. Companies can now bid to join the second generation framework that will help councils and hou
Scotland Excel has formed a ‘Net Zero Strategy delivery team’ with representation from across the organisation to lead on implementing its first ever Net Zero strategy.
Survey and valuation services provider Harvey, Donaldson & Gibson (HSG) has secured a contract with River Clyde Homes to support the retrofitting of its current housing stock. River Clyde Homes will be working in partnership with ECD Architects Ltd and AC Whyte on this extensive project which wa
Scotland Excel has appointed Clark Contracts to its £300 million Property Maintenance and Refurbishment Framework. The contractor has been appointed to the multi-trade lot of the framework, which will run until June 2025, with the option to extend this until 2027.
Scotland Excel has won a prestigious UK award for leading the way in collaborative procurement through its innovative Energy Efficiency Contractors (EEC) Framework.
Businesses from across the country gathered in Glasgow this month to recognise good practice, innovation and excellence in providing goods and services to Scotland's public sector.
An East Kilbride business that provides property management for the social housing sector is celebrating after scooping a prestigious local government award. GavHas Services came out on top in the Workforce Development (SME) category at the Scotland Excel Supplier Excellence Awards in Glasgow.
The shortlist for the Scotland Excel Supplier Excellence Awards 2023 has been announced. This year’s finalists represent the quality, diversity and sheer commitment of suppliers on the frameworks, who go above and beyond to serve communities across Scotland.
Ahead of the SFHA Development Conference on Wednesday, we spoke with Scotland Excel’s housing services manager Colin Taylor. What will you be discussing at the conference?