There have been almost 1,500 complaints about mould and damp in social housing throughout Perth & Kinross in two years, according to new figures.
Scottish Conservatives
Communities must continue to have a ‘veto’ and the final say when it comes to planning approval for energy projects, the Scottish Conservatives will tell MSPs tomorrow. The party will lead a debate on the issue at Holyrood, amid what they say are growing concerns that local people are be
The Scottish Government has been accused of failing to tackle the country’s housing crisis after figures revealed that more than 90,000 children are on a social housing waiting list.
The Scottish Government has been accused of neglecting rural communities after new figures found that just 17 homes were approved under its flagship rural affordable homes for key workers fund.
The Scottish Government has been accused of presiding over “disgraceful” waits in temporary housing after figures revealed people are waiting years for a permanent home.
The Scottish Government does not know if it is on track to meet its new housebuilding targets as it has not undertaken any internal work to calculate new-build plans or projections, according to the Scottish Conservatives. In response to a Freedom of Information request submitted by the party o
A blueprint to tackle domestic abuse has been published by the Scottish Conservatives after new statistics revealed that "victims are being left in limbo” when they leave a violent household. The party has launched a new policy paper alongside freedom of information responses showing that
At least 40,000 disabled people in Scotland are currently waiting on a housing association or council home, according to new figures.
Scotland’s tourism industry faces destruction unless ministers listen to businesses and pause the introduction of a “catastrophic” new short-term lets (STL) licensing system, the First Minister has been warned.
The average waiting time to be placed in social homes exceeds a year in the majority of Scottish local authorities, according to new statistics.
Local authorities were overruled on more than half of all planning appeals in the last year, the Scottish Conservatives have revealed.
More than 100,000 children in Scotland are on waiting lists for social housing, new figures obtained by the Scottish Conservatives have shown.
Only one in five applications for short-term let properties have been approved following the introduction of the licensing scheme, according to data obtained by the Scottish Conservatives.
The number of people with disabilities on social housing waiting lists in Scotland has increased by around 150% over the last five years to reach more than 24,000, according to new statistics. Figures obtained by the Scottish Conservatives show that there are currently at least 24,209 disabled
The Scottish Government has spent almost £18 million overturning hundreds of planning decisions by local authorities since 2017, according to new figures.