Scottish Government

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A new Fairer Funding pilot to deliver on the Scottish Government's top priority of eradicating child poverty will provide additional multi-year funding in the form of 45 grants to organisations across Scotland.

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Scotland’s cities must be at the heart of economic success as “great places to live, work and invest”, minister for employment and investment Tom Arthur will tell a group of senior business leaders in London. At today’s Scottish Cities Week opening event, Mr Arthur will champ

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More than 456,000 people are due to receive inter Heating Payments totalling £26.8 million this winter, social justice secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville will tell MSPs today. Updating the Scottish Parliament on support with fuel costs for people on low incomes, Ms Somerville will confirm the S

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Views are being sought on ways to improve how communities will receive additional benefits from renewable energy developments. ‘Community benefits’ are provided by developers to local groups and can include funding, actions such as in-kind works, the direct support of projects, or other

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A National Flood Advisory Service will be established to improve Scotland’s flood resilience and embed best practice on a nationwide scale. The service is one of the actions in Scotland’s first National Flood Resilience Strategy, published yesterday. It will provide support and advice on

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The Scottish Government has reaffirmed its support for the construction of 2,800 mid-market rent homes with £100 million of investment. As announced as part of the 2024-25 Programme for Government, funding will be used alongside institutional investment – such as pension funds – to

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Improved access to housing, education and health services and tackling discrimination are at the heart of a new Gypsy/Traveller Action Plan agreed between the Scottish Government and COSLA. The voices of Gypsy/Travellers have helped shape the Plan, which acknowledges improvements in many of these ar

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Communities and businesses across Scotland will be given support and tools to help tackle the unavoidable impacts of climate change as part of the Scottish Government’s new National Adaptation Plan. The Scottish National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029 (SNAP3) sets out a comprehensive suite of more

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Scotland’s new strategy to support refugees and people seeking asylum with settling into their community was celebrated with an event at the University of Glasgow. The New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy: Delivery Plan 2024-2026 - which is the most comprehensive of its kind worldwide - seek

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West of Scotland Housing Association (WSHA) has recently been successful in securing £570,000 in net zero funding from the Scottish Government, enabling a major upgrade of 36 sheltered housing properties in Hill Road, Cumbernauld.

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There were 19,632 homes built (completed) and 16,404 new builds started in the 2023-24 financial year, signalling a 17% drop (4,150) in comparison to the previous financial year.

1-15 of 625 Articles