Perth & Kinross Council has disputed findings from a Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) report that found "serious failings" in both of the local authority’s Gypsy/Traveller sites. The Regulator said it took action to investigate after concerns were raised by residents of both sites. The res
Scottish Housing Regulator
The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has written to all social landlords to provide advice on preparation of their next Annual Assurance Statement ahead of the October 31st deadline. In the letter, chief executive Michael Cameron highlights revised guidance to support landlords when they are co
Scotland's Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) encountered significant financial pressures throughout 2023/24, according to a new report from the Scottish Housing Regulator.
The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has written to all Registered Social Landlords to request information on empty homes/voids on behalf of the Scottish Government. Up-to-date information will allow the government to better understand the potential contribution of bringing the properties back
Scottish Ministers are recruiting a chair and a new member to the Scottish Housing Regulator’s board. George Walker, chair of the Scottish Housing Regulator, said: “This is an excellent opportunity to join our team to help safeguard and promote the interests of tenants and service u
Scottish Housing Regulator chair George Walker told social landlords that their commitment to self-assurance is being recognised and thanked RSL governing body members for their work in delivering an effective Annual Assurance Statements process. Annual Assurance Statements are a key element of the
Scottish Housing Regulator chair George Walker reflects on the latest meeting of the Urban Landlord Group. We held the fifth meeting of the urban landlord group on 19 November 2024. This is one of the three standing groups of senior people from Registered Social Landlords we meet with regularly to d
Deputy chair Andrew Watson summarises the Scottish Housing Regulator's latest meeting with its Rural & Islands Landlord Group. We held the fifth meeting of the Rural & Islands landlord group on 6 December 2024. This is one of the three standing groups of senior people from Registered Social
The outcome of a consultation on the indicators social landlords report on in their Annual Return on the Charter (ARC) has been published today by the Scottish Housing Regulator. The ARC is the main way social landlords demonstrate how they are performing against the standards and outcomes of the Sc
The Scottish Housing Regulator has today launched a consultation on its second British Sign Language (BSL) Plan.
Scottish Housing Regulator chair George Walker recalls the latest meeting with its systemically important landlord group to discuss the current issues in social housing. We held the third meeting of the year of the Systemically Important landlord group.
A new report by the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has concluded that the finances of registered social landlords (RSLs) finances have weakened, resulting in less financial headroom, but forecasts have predicted some improvement in the medium term.
Shelter Scotland led a protest outside Edinburgh City Chambers yesterday calling for Scottish Ministers and the Scottish Housing Regulator to "immediately intervene" amid claims the City of Edinburgh Council voted to suspend lifeline housing rights until March 2028. Calling for special measures to b
Evelyn Tweed MSP is to submit an amendment to the Housing (Scotland) Bill to introduce a right of appeal against Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) decisions to the First Tier Tribunal General Regulatory Chamber. If approved, the move would align the process with that already in place for the Office o
The Scottish Housing Regulator published its first annual report on the notifiable events (NEs) which registered social landlords (RSLs) reported in 2023/24.