Scottish Housing Regulator

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The Scottish Housing Regulator today published advisory guidance on lessons learned to support Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) when they are conducting reviews of compliance with the Regulatory Standards of Governance and Financial Management. The guidance shares advice and lessons learned from r

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Scottish Ministers have today appointed Andrew Watson as deputy chair of the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) board for three years from 1 June 2022. Andrew has served on the Regulator’s board since 2017. The board sets the Regulator’s strategic direction and has responsibility for gover

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The Scottish Housing Regulator has published the final of its quarterly dashboard reports that were introduced by the Social Housing Resilience Group in March 2020 to help understand the impact of the pandemic and where support was needed.

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The aggregate financial performance of Scotland’s Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) remains robust and will help them to meet the many and significant challenges that lie ahead, a report published today by the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has found.

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The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has reported on its contribution towards gender equality on public boards in Scotland. The Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Act 2018 was introduced to help address the under-representation of women in public life. Public bodies must report on pro

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The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has published three updated factsheets for tenants and social landlords about complaints and significant performance failures. The factsheets give information to tenants about making a complaint about a social landlord, and about how to contact the regulator abou

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The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has published updated statistical information on the Scottish Social Housing Charter to reflect a change in guidance from the Scottish Government. The government updated its guidance on the Scottish Housing Quality Standard (the Standard) in January 2021 rep

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The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has published the outcome of its annual risk assessment of social landlords. This includes updated engagement plans for registered social landlords (RSLs) and local authorities and an update to the regulatory status for RSLs. The status describes whether a landlo

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The Scottish Housing Regulator has written to all social landlords to confirm the Social Housing Resilience Group’s decision to end the Covid-19 quarterly information returns.

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A new suite of building safety KPIs is to be launched in April by Scotland’s Housing Network, and Housemark Scotland with the support of the Scottish Housing Regulator.

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The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) has highlighted a number of unprecedented challenges being faced by registered social landlords as they start to emerge from the pandemic. Delivering a message at SHARE’s Annual Conference on Friday, the Regulator said it is vital that they are plannin

136-150 of 571 Articles