Scottish Housing Regulator

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The Scottish Housing Regulator published its Annual Report and Accounts for 2014/15. The report highlights the work of the regulator to help safeguard and promote the interests of tenants, homeless people and others who use social landlords’ services.

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The Scottish Housing Regulator has continued its statutory appointment of a manager to Wellhouse Housing Association to protect tenants’ interests amid “serious” concerns over its governance and financial management. The regulator appointed a manager to the Easterhouse registered social landlo

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Despite the introduction of some of the most progressive homelessness legislation in the world, less than half of single homeless people in Scotland are found accommodation when they ask for help, according to a new report by homelessness charity Crisis. The findings, from Single homelessness in Sco

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Tenant satisfaction is closely linked to the quality of homes, speed of emergency repairs, and affordability, according to a new report by the Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR). The body's National Panel of Tenants and Service Users were asked to contribute their views through surveys and discussion

541-555 of 571 Articles