Scottish Labour has condemned a lack of affordable homes and “rip-off” private rents it said are driving more families into poverty. The party’s analysis of Scottish Government data reveals that 20,000 children in the private rented sector were living in severe poverty during the t
Scottish Labour
Amendments to the Scottish Government’s Fuel Poverty Bill to set a target to eliminate fuel poverty in Scotland by 2032 will be tabled this week by Scottish Labour. The current government target to reduce fuel poverty to no more than 5% by 2040 was approved when the Bill was introduced at
A report from Scottish Labour’s Housing Commission has recommended the party scrap and replace Help to Buy with a more targeted scheme to help first time buyers of lower incomes. Labour said the heavily criticised scheme has been handing state support to households on over £100
The number of people still privately renting their home after they have retired has doubled in the last decade, according to new figures. Statistics compiled by Scottish Labour revealed the number of permanently retired adults living in the private rented sector has gone from 20,000 to 40,000 in the
One in four Scottish households will spend Christmas in fuel poverty, according to a new campaign launched today by Scottish Labour. The party will spend the festive season highlighting the issue, with members and activists set to distribute postcards of information which will ask for the public's v
The average rent for a two bedroom property rose in the past year in all but four areas across Scotland, according to the latest figures from the Scottish Government. Increases ranged from 0.3% in Perth and Kinross to 6.5% in Lothian. The areas that didn't see an increase include Aberdeen and Shire,
Proposals to introduce new rights for communities to appeal planning decisions have failed to pass a key stage of the parliamentary legislative process. MSPs on the Scottish Parliament’s local government and communities committee voted against a series of amendments to the Scottish Government’s
Almost half of people made homeless in Scotland due to rent arrears in the last year lived in the private rented sector (PRS), new analysis has shown. A total of 46% of homelessness applications were made due to either rent arrears or defaulting on payments come from the PRS, despite private-rented
The number of people in the private rented sector (PRS) who are living in poverty has increased by 75% over the past decade, according to new analysis. Scottish Government data has revealed that 160,000 people in the sector were living in relative poverty during the three year period between 20
Richard Leonard Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard will visit Parkhead Housing Association today to announce his party’s pledge to build at least 12,000 homes for social rent a year.
Monica Lennon Scottish Labour is to put forward plans to introduce new rights for communities over planning decisions, in a bid to “level the playing field” between developers and the public.
Image by Brandon Leon – Flickr: Day 25: Fire Sprinkler, CC BY-SA 2.0 Proposals for mandatory fire sprinklers in new-build social housing have been met with overwhelming public support, Scottish Labour has revealed.
Pauline McNeill MSP Scottish Labour is maintaining its recent push for the cost of private renting to be controlled with new analysis which reveals that the cost of private rented accommodation in Scotland is rising faster than workers’ wages over the last five years.
The number of overcrowded households in the private rented sector has more than doubled since 2012, according to new analysis from Scottish Labour. A property is considered overcrowded if there are insufficient bedrooms to meet the occupants’ requirements.
Pauline McNeill MSP Scottish Labour’s proposed plans to introduce a ‘Mary Barbour Law’ to protect people renting in the private sector will be put out for public consultation within weeks.