Homelessness levels in Scotland could rise as part of a Scottish Government drive to crack down on overcrowded houses, charities and housing chiefs have warned. As reported in The Scotsman, the concerns have been prompted over the introduction of Overcrowding Statutory Notices (OSN) aimed at guardin
Steve Delaney from SFHA’s board of directors presenting Kathryn Taylor with a certificate Berwickshire Housing Association (BHA) modern apprentice Kathryn Taylor has successfully completed this year’s Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) Apprentice Challenge.
Mary Taylor The chief executive of the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has said new welfare changes could be as devastating to the sector as the bedroom tax.
George Osborne The UK government's commitment to 1 per cent annual rent reductions in the social rented sector will negatively affect affordable housebuilding, according to independent analysis.
SFHA CEO Mary Taylor is one of the letter's signatories Thirteen of Scotland’s leading charities have appealed to the UK government to find new ways of reducing public spending ahead of £12 billion in additional cuts to the welfare bill in next week’s emergency budget.
Nick Williams Castlehill Housing Association’s longest serving committee member Dr Nick Williams is to leave the Association after 28 years of service.
A green cashback scheme which offers funding to housing associations and local authority landlords towards energy efficiency measures is to reopen after a £5 million investment pledge by the Scottish Government. The HEEPS: Cashback - Social Landlords Scheme forms part of the Scottish Government’s
Mary Taylor To mark its 40th anniversary year, the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) is kicking off the celebrations at its annual conference.
Juliette Duff (left) with fellow ng homes apprentices Joseph Amouzou and Iona Wilson A national two-day challenge for housing apprentices will kick off today.
Kathryn Taylor Berwickshire Housing Association (BHA) has congratulated its modern apprentice Kathryn Taylor after she gained a place at this year’s Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) Apprentice Challenge.
The apprentices with Mary Taylor, SFHA chief executive (left) and housing minister Margaret Burgess. Housing minister Margaret Burgess marked the start of Scottish Apprenticeship Week (May 18-22) by launching a national challenge for housing apprentices yesterday.
Maureen Watson Maureen Watson is to leave the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) after more than 25 years, following a restructure of the organisation.
Mary Taylor The Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has urged the record cohort of SNP MPs heading to Westminster to make the devolution of further powers to Scotland a priority.
Representatives from five of the General Election candidates for the Dundee West constituency came together last night to debate social housing and devolution last night in a hustings organised by the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) and co-hosted by Angus Housing Association. Labo
Bruce Forbes The candidates for the five main parties in Dundee West will gather for a public debate on social housing and related issues next week in an event co-hosted by Angus Housing Association and the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA).