Investors in People has awarded SHARE the 'We invest in people' silver accreditation. As well as meaning that the right principles are in place at the organisation, the accreditation means people and leaders are making active efforts to make sure that there’s real consistency and everyone
Objectivity is essential for Committee/Board members, as they are relied upon to bring that very perspective to discussions and decision-making process. A step removed from the operational staff-driven functions; Committee/Board members are expected to approach decisions without attachment. This is
As a sector that has always taken pride in providing modern comfortable housing, whilst helping tackle poverty and inequality, the social housing sector must also now consider how it approaches digital poverty. According to the Good Things Foundation having poor digital skills can affect health outc
The complex nature of Scotland’s land ownership along with a variety of sometimes unworkable title deeds and various legislative introductions over the past two decades has meant that more than ever organisations must ensure they have competent and knowledgeable factoring teams who can provide
SHARE is delighted to announce its next residential conference is taking place in September at the Seamill Hydro.
England’s housing secretary Michael Gove is making housing qualifications mandatory for 25,000 senior housing managers across England. That throws up some questions for Scotland… principally, should we follow Gove’s lead? Would that help us improve standards and maybe prevent thi
Being the Chair of an organisation is a responsible position and sometimes even although you have witnessed and shadowed the outgoing Chair, it is still a daunting task stepping into someone else’s shoes. It is good to explore the different roles that the Chair encompasses, and what is not in
The SHARE team have been delighted by the generosity of their delegates with the ever-popular raffle featuring as part of the SHARE Annual Conference, held this year at the Westerwood Hotel and Spa. SHARE selects a charity each year that will benefit from the event.
SHARE’s Management Development Programme was created with the aim of providing aspiring or existing managers the tools and techniques to lead a team or organisation at a senior level, but with a specific slant towards the housing sector.
SHARE and WISH hosted a reception at Radisson Red in Glasgow on Wednesday 8th March to mark International Women’s Day 2023. Sponsored by Kingdom Housing Association, the event welcomed Divisional Commander Carol McGuire, Chief Superintendent in Dumfries & Galloway, to talk about her experi
Sometimes the world of training can offer a window to the world. You see patterns and trends emerging, issues that the sector is facing that point to what is happening in our communities.
The last two years have been tough on housing associations and co-operatives, whether it be supporting tenants with wellbeing calls through the pandemic, helping with fuel costs during the cost-of-living crisis or investing in communities.
Did you know 1 in 4 people in the UK is likely to experience mental health problems each year? Think about the people you’re with right now at least one of them will have experienced a mental health crisis or are currently in crisis, or perhaps you have experienced a mental health crisis at s
The role of the factor in Scotland has developed over the centuries, from the person who was charged with managing the landholdings in vast country estates before moving into cities during the industrial revolution to today’s commercial business managing developments or common property on beh
SHARE aims to help and support delegates at all stages in their learning journey. For those looking to upskill in the areas of leadership and management in 2023, we have various options open for you dependant on your circumstances, experience and aspirations. For those new to leadership and manageme