A housing emergency is set to be formally declared in Scotland's capital city today with the local authority expected to call for more finance and support from the Scottish Government.
Shelter Scotland
Shelter Scotland has claimed that ministers still have their heads in the sand following the publication of the latest Ending Homelessness Together annual report. Published last week, the annual report sets out the progress made in the last 12 months by national government, local government and thir
Scottish Housing News’ new Charity Spotlight feature will highlight the vital work of charities across Scotland each Friday. To feature your local charity, whether housing-related or not, send your story and images to us at newsdesk@scottishnews.com.
Shelter Scotland is on a mission to encourage more people to discover the joys of shopping second-hand and extending the life of clothes this September with its ‘Resale Therapy’ campaign.
Shelter Scotland has welcomed Annie Mauger-Thompson and Jamie Kinlochan as new members to its committee bringing a varied and diverse wealth of experience to the charity’s ongoing fight for home. Annie is an experienced leader in the public and not-for-profit sectors. She is chief executive at
Alice Tooms-Moore discusses Shelter Scotland's research on the barriers faced by people from minoritised ethnic groups accessing a social home, highlighting the evidence given and research findings. Shelter Scotland has published details of a research project on the barriers faced by people from min
A new report has called on social landlords and the housing sector to make critical changes to improve the experience of social housing for individuals from minoritised ethnic communities in Scotland.
Shelter Scotland is to bring the sustainable fashion community together to put the housing emergency out of fashion with its first Preloved Donation Pledge event in Glasgow.
Housing and homelessness charity Shelter Scotland has welcomed the launch of a Scottish Government consultation on proposals for the Human Rights Bill. The Scottish Government says it intends to provide a clear and robust legal framework for human rights in Scotland, and specifically in relation to
More than 9,000 long-term empty homes have been brought back into use in Scotland since the Scottish Empty Homes Partnership (SEHP) was established in 2010, according to a new report published today. In its latest impact report, the SEHP reported that empty homes officers supported owners to bring 1
Housing and homelessness charity Shelter Scotland will take to Holyrood today to call for urgent action to address Scotland’s chronic over-reliance on temporary accommodation.
Homelessness charity Shelter Scotland has launched a new project which will demonstrate the positive impact of new social homes developed in partnership with the Housing Associations’ Charitable Trust (HACT). It has been supported by an expert advisory group, and has had input from 14 register
A report from the Accounts Commission, warning of “severe strain” on local authority finances, points to a deepening housing emergency according to Shelter Scotland. According to the Local Government in Scotland Overview 2023, Scotland’s councils must radically change how they
Jimmy Black says it’s ok for Shelter Scotland to demand the impossible. Someone has to.
Fresh from the Scottish Government's anti-poverty summit, Shelter Scotland director Alison Watson joins Kieran Findlay and Jimmy Black to share to what extent housing was mentioned during the event. The discussion also touches on Alison’s early career, Housing First, the Temporary Accommodatio