Residents of South Lanarkshire are being urged to give their views on the plan that shapes their council’s strategic direction.
South Lanarkshire Council
A £55 million investment boost has been agreed for South Lanarkshire, with projects set to benefit communities across the area.
Hanover Scotland is urgently calling on South Lanarkshire Council to rethink its proposed £300,000 cut to housing support services, ahead of its decision next week The housing provider is warning that the move will put vulnerable older people at risk and lead to higher public cost pressur
A new partnership has been set up to tackle fuel poverty which affects around one in four households across South Lanarkshire.
A £10 million programme to upgrade fire safety in South Lanarkshire high-rise residences has reached a two-year milestone.
Proposals have been tabled for the South Lanarkshire Council's next budget – and residents are being urged to get involved. In particular, views are being sought on 24 options that would save up to £11.894 million in 2025-26.
A new report has outlined the dedication of South Lanarkshire's health and social care staff who, despite financial constraints and rising demand, continue to provide high-quality care.
More support is in store for families in East Kilbride thanks to a donation from a local supermarket.
Plans have been submitted to rebuild five terraced houses in East Kilbride that were destroyed by fire last year. The proposal by Sedgwick International aims to reconstruct the Whitelee properties in a similar style to their original form, with two central 1.5-storey homes and three two-storey prope
A new high quality supported accommodation project in Rutherglen has been given planning permission. The project will be delivered in partnership between South Lanarkshire Council and the charity Social Bite, based at the site of the former Westfield Saw Mills in Harriet Street.
A new campaign will help ensure older people across South Lanarkshire continue to receive a Winter Fuel Payment if they are entitled to it.
Approval has been given for 19 new council homes at the site of the former McWhirter House and Nesbitt Day Centre in Larkhall.
A housing support charity has contributed more than £2,000 to the Touch a Life, Make a Difference 2024 charity initiative.
Work is set to start on pulling down a former homeless unit in East Kilbride village.
Applications are open for funding from the South Lanarkshire Charitable Trust.