Concerns have been raised about how people in Scotland could be impacted by plans announced by Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Liz Kendall to cut £5 billion of UK government spending on welfare by the end of the decade. The measures, which the government argues are needed to “fi
Scotland’s trade union leaders and Living Rent have urged the Scottish Government to reaffirm its commitment to introducing rent controls.
The Scottish Government is set to declare a national housing emergency later today. Social justice secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville will use a Holyrood debate this afternoon on Scottish Labour’s motion on the housing crisis to make the announcement.
A trade union body has said Scotland’s health and social care workers were "left to rot" ahead of STUC general secretary Roz Foyer giving evidence in front of the Scottish COVID Inquiry.
The Scottish Trade Union Congress (STUC) has become the latest organisation to make a housing emergency declaration. The motion at the trade union body’s annual congress this week highlights the shortage of social housing, the out-of-control cost of rent in the private sector, and th
The passing of the Scottish Budget 2024/25 at Holyrood yesterday will perpetuate housing inequality across the country and limit the number of new homes coming forward across all tenures, sector body Homes for Scotland (HFS) has warned. The Budget includes more than £1.3 billion for the W
The Scottish Government has been urged to “act now” to prevent “disastrous consequences” for private tenants after the current cap on rents comes to an end next month.
Tenant organisations, trade unions, built environment bodies and energy companies have combined to criticise Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's plans to change some of the UK Government's key green policies, including proposals to water down housing energy efficiency standards and a weakening of targ
The progress made by local authorities across Scotland to develop their own energy projects has been outlined in new league tables published by the STUC. The ‘Public Power League’ tables, which show Aberdeenshire topping the capacity chart with 226 megawatts of energy, aim to show the pr
Social workers in Scotland are ‘leaving in their droves’, according to a new social care policy brief from Scotland’s largest trade union body. In its report: ‘Undervalued, underpaid and leaving in droves: The crisis in Scotland’s adult social care workforce', the Scott
The Scottish Government’s approach to its new National Care Service has been declared “untenable” by Scotland’s largest trade union body. Launching its report ‘Profiting from care: why Scotland can’t afford privatised social care’, the Scottish TUC (STUC) ha
A crisis summit of trade union leaders and community groups in Glasgow on Friday has called for a national rent freeze after declaring a cost-of-living emergency.
The UK Government has failed to deliver the support and help that thousands of worried households facing poverty require as a result of soaring energy bills and a cost of living crisis, according to charities and civic organisations across Scotland.
Ending Scotland’s contribution to climate change, tackling inequalities and investing in the economy and public services were at the forefront of the 2022-2023 Scottish Budget yesterday though some in the housing sector believe it has fallen short in delivering on house building and energy eff
Scotland’s trade unions have joined forces with tenants' unions, anti-poverty groups, environmentalists and academics to launch a nationwide campaign to upgrade Scotland’s homes. Led by the Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC), the ‘Our Climate, Our Homes’ campaign is callin