The Scottish Government has written to the UK Government on seven occasions to call for the £20-per-week uplift to Universal Credit to be made permanent and extended to legacy benefits, Nicola Sturgeon will tell trade unions today. The First Minister representatives from Scotland’s trade
The next Scottish Government will face immediate trade union pressure to follow through on urgent reform of residential care, the STUC has warned. In its election care briefing, the organisation said service users and workers have been let down by successive Scottish governments and that improving p
With the right policies, Scotland’s transition to a low-carbon economy could create up to 367,000 jobs, with up to 37,000 of those created over three years by building new social housing, according to a major new report into green jobs.
One of GHA's first and longest-serving board members, Maria Fyfe, made a "huge and lasting contribution" to the transformation of housing in Glasgow, the Association has said. Ms Fyfe, who served as the MP for Glasgow Maryhill between 1987 and 2001, died on Thursday after a short illness a
The Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) has criticised the “inequities” in the Scottish Government’s support provided to private landlords over renters, and called for it to do more to redesign Scotland’s private rental sector. The organisation has written to housing minist
Business groups, trades unions and leaders from local government and the third sector have committed to putting fair work at the heart of Scotland’s economic recovery. As Scotland continues to ease lockdown restrictions, organisations including the Institute of Directors (IoD), SCDI, STUC, COS
More than 40 of Scotland’s leading children's charities, faith groups, trade unions, community groups and anti-poverty organisations have joined civic organisations from across the UK to call on the Chancellor to increase child benefit by £10 a week per child to help families through the
The Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) is to press the Scottish Government for an increase in the coronavirus testing of essential public service workers
Legislation to establish a Scottish National Investment Bank has been passed unanimously by the Scottish Parliament. The new institution will direct investments that deliver economic, environmental and social returns, and help Scotland’s journey towards net-zero carbon emissions. It will aim t
The Scottish Government should put “place” at the heart of coherent, infrastructure prioritisation and planning to achieve an inclusive net zero carbon economy, according to a 30-year infrastructure blueprint published today. Ian Russell, chairman of the Infrastructure Commission for Sco
The Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) has demanded “urgent action” from local authorities to tackle the shortage in accessible housing and has also joined a campaign to ban winter evictions. A motion calling for improved access to housing for disabled people was passed at t
Scotland’s economy can be transformed for the better through large-scale investment in the transition to a low-carbon economy, two leading economists will say today. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon launched a public consultation last week on the operational details of the proposed Scottish National
Nicola Sturgeon and Grahame Smith sign the Memorandum of Understanding First minister Nicola Sturgeon has shared “serious concerns” with the Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) over the impact on the people of Scotland of the UK government's commitment to continued austerity.