Housing associations in England should use safety complaints as an "early warning sign" to prevent wider failings, according to a watchdog. The Housing Ombudsman has released its monthly ‘learning from severe maladministration’ report, focusing on the ‘Big 6’ building safety
Uk & International
Up to 18,000 new social and affordable homes will be built across England with a £2 billion injection of investment, the UK Government said today.
More than 18,500 homes in England could change hands after housing associations announced that talks are underway regarding potential mergers and home acquisitions. Paradigm Housing Group and Settle Group have entered into discussions to form a new 30,000-home housing association.
The UK Parliament's Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has hit out at a series of failed measures to address the cladding crisis in England with thousands of unsafe buildings still yet to be identified eight years on from Grenfell and a serious under-estimation of the impact its policies are having on
Concerns have been raised about how people in Scotland could be impacted by plans announced by Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Liz Kendall to cut £5 billion of UK government spending on welfare by the end of the decade. The measures, which the government argues are needed to “fi
Less than a third of UK property experts say the UK government will achieve its target of building 1.5 million homes in England during its five-year term in parliament, with affordable housing ambitions cited as a major barrier to housebuilding. Research commissioned by audit, tax and consulting fir
Seven housing associations have joined forces to maximise their latest grant funding award from the Warm Homes: Social Housing fund to modernise more homes for customers across England.
Almost 19,000 people have now joined Dogs Trust in calling on the UK Government to extend the same pet ownership rights to social housing tenants as those planned to be granted to renters in the private sector.
The European Commission and the European Investment Bank (EIB) Group are partnering with Europe’s national promotional banks (NPBs) and international financial institutions (IFIs) to develop new financing opportunities for affordable and sustainable housing across Europe. At the EIB Group Foru
The Housing Ombudsman has provided the latest in its resources to help landlords prepare for Awaab’s Law, with its ‘learning from severe maladministration’ report focusing on inspections and knowledge and information management within damp and mould complaints.
Council spending on the most unsuitable emergency accommodation in England is set to soar to £1.2 billion within three years without government intervention, newly released research has revealed.
A housing association in England has unearthed more than 800 incorrect records on high-risk properties and asbestos, following an investigation by the Housing Ombudsman.
Highlight Housing has entered a strategic partnership with Custom Build Homes (CBH) to drive the growth of self-build and custom housebuilding (SBCH) across larger sites in England.
A sprawling 'garden city' development totalling 15,000 homes in Kent has been brought to a halt due to a small colony of endangered spiders.
A housing association is being forced to demolish a housing block in Bristol after it was unable to recover remediation funding from a collapsed firm.