Reviews and reassessments for disability benefits are being suspended for the next three months.
Universal Credit
Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s decision to ensure the Local Housing Allowance is guaranteed to cover at least 30% of market rents in a claimant’s area has been welcomed by Shelter Scotland. The announcement came in last week’s package of support for workers in which it was also revealed
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has identified nearly 100,000 Universal Credit claimants that it suspects may have claimed an advance fraudulently, the National Audit Office (NAO) said today.
Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) has welcomed news that face-to-face social security assessments are to be suspended during the coronavirus outbreak and have called on the UK Government for the change to be made permanent.
How to eliminate the five-week wait for a first Universal Credit payment is the subject of an inquiry by the UK work and pensions committee. Announcing the inquiry this week, the committee said the Universal Credit process has a “baked in” the wait for the first payment and many organisa
Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) is calling for changes to Universal Credit in today’s UK Budget to ensure people in work can keep more of what they earn. With many workers on Universal Credit losing 63 pence for every pound they earn, the charity has called for a reduction in the taper rate to
Tenants’ union Living Rent has continued its campaign for housing associations in Glasgow to commit to not carry out evictions stemming from debts caused by Universal Credit with the launch of a new charter.
North Lanarkshire Council has established a Universal Credit Assistance Fund to help tenants who find themselves falling into rent arrears due to built-in waiting times for Universal Credit payments to be processed and paid. (from left) Councillor Heather Brannan-McVey, convener of housing and regen
Benefit claimants are getting less money in real terms than they were when Universal Credit was introduced in 2013, according to calculations made by Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS).
Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) is urging the new Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, to use his first budget next month to make key changes to Universal Credit, in order to offer more support for people who are in work.
The full roll-out of Universal Credit is set for another delay, adding £500 million to its overall cost, according to reports.
The House of Lords' economic affairs committee has launched an inquiry into the economics of Universal Credit.
The Court of Appeal has dismissed the UK Government’s appeals against two previous court judgments which found that the secretary of state for work and pensions had unlawfully discriminated against thousands of severely disabled people who moved onto Universal Credit.
An Edinburgh jobcentre is one of those to benefit from a share of a £3 million grant from the UK Government to support homeless people. The jobcentre in Edinburgh already works alongside charity Crisis to provide aid to those experiencing homelessness.
Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) has today outlined six key reforms to Universal Credit to help struggling people who have turned to the charity for help.