The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has written to housing associations regarding its plans to ensure landlords receive direct payment of housing costs at the same time as tenants receive their Universal Credit payment.
Universal Credit
The new UK government must urgently tackle issues that are pushing an increasing number of tenants into poverty such as high energy prices and Universal Credit, the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) has said.
Improving the cost of living, especially for people on low incomes, must be at the heart of the next government’s agenda, Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) demand today. The charity made the call as it published its annual state of the nation report, ‘Advice in Scotland’.
Tenants’ union Living Rent has called on housing associations in Glasgow to commit to no evictions stemming from debts caused by Universal Credit.
A series of UK Government advertisements aiming to dispel myths about Universal Credit have been banned by a regulator for misleading the public.
Universal Credit could potentially improve the take up of help with housing costs for working age claimants, according to CIH Scotland. According to Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) statistics, the take up rate of housing benefit is around 80% by caseload.
Almost 222,000 people in Scotland are now receiving personalised Universal Credit support, new figures show.
Glasgow City Council's Universal Credit support hubs have brought in more than £15.2 million in financial gains for people living in the city.
Homeless people have been helped by Glasgow City Council to apply for more than £500,000 in benefits.
Jeremy Corbyn has pledged that a future Labour government would scrap Universal Credit, calling the flagship Conservatives welfare reform “inhumane” and an “unmitigated disaster”. Speaking in the Chingford constituency of the policy’s architect, Iain Duncan Smith, the L
North Lanarkshire Council has said it will establish a fund to help tenants who find themselves in financial difficulty as a result of the five-week waiting time for Universal Credit payments.
Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) has today called upon the British Government to end the current five-week wait for Universal Credit. CAS has claimed that this wait is pushing many Scots into poverty.
Direct payment of Universal Credit to landlords contributed the most to reductions in rent arrears, according to a new report commissioned by Southwark Council.
North Lanarkshire Council is to establish a fund to help tenants who find themselves falling into arrears due to a built-in-waiting time for Universal Credit payments to be processed and paid.
Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) has called for action to reduce the ‘five week wait’ that claimants of Universal Credit (UC) face before receiving their first payment.