A sheriff in the Upper Tribunal for Scotland has allowed an appeal by a landlord who was refused an order for possession by the First-tier Tribunal after it ruled that he had not made out the eviction ground of intention to demolish or remodel the let property.
Upper Tribunal For Scotland
A private landlord who was removed from the landlord register because her local authority did not consider her a fit and proper person has successfully petitioned for judicial review of an Upper Tribunal decision upholding that decision.
A letting company that ostensibly rented residential flats in Edinburgh on a holiday letting basis has been refused permission to appeal to the Upper Tribunal against a decision that it was in breach of the repairing standard for residential properties.
A tenant of a property in Cambuslang has been refused permission to appeal against his eviction and a payment order by the Upper Tribunal for Scotland after it found that no arguable ground of appeal had been made out.
An Aberdeenshire landlord who was ordered to pay £2,400 to her South African tenant after being found in breach of tenancy deposit regulations has been refused permission to challenge the decision.
A judge of the Upper Tribunal for Scotland has quashed an eviction order following an appeal by the tenants of a property in Armadale after finding that the First-tier Tribunal had wrongly classed the tenancy as a private residential tenancy.
Landlord refused permission to appeal against tribunal decision into alternative accommodation costs
The Upper Tribunal for Scotland has refused permission for a landlord to appeal against a decision to award him just £710 in a claim for cleaning costs and related expenses against a former tenant he valued at over £2,200.
An appeal by a landlord against a payment order for £6,000 under the Tenancy Deposit Schemes (Scotland) Regulations 2011 has been allowed by the Upper Tribunal for Scotland after he successfully argued that he ought to have been given an opportunity to make representations.
The Upper Tribunal for Scotland has ruled that the First-tier Tribunal erred in questioning the validity of a guarantee agreement between a private landlord and the parent of her tenant in an undefended action by the landlord for payment.
A corporate landlord that was refused an award of £950 for the repair of a door damaged by police officers executing a drugs search warrant has successfully had the decision re-made by the Upper Tribunal for Scotland. Umali Ltd had been awarded £4,338.60 for rent arrears and other damage
A tenant who was awarded £770 by the First-tier Tribunal as compensation after being unable to use parts of her rented property due to dry rot has been awarded an additional £330 after making an appeal to the Upper Tribunal. Appellant Katherine Zhao originally sought £4,000 from he
A judge of the Upper Tribunal for Scotland has quashed a First-tier Tribunal decision that a letting agency was in breach of the Letting Agent Code of Practice by not carrying out a check on a prospective tenant’s right to reside in the United Kingdom. Countrywide Residential Lettings Ltd, tra
The Upper Tribunal for Scotland has refused an appeal by a landlord against an order requiring him to comply with a Repairing Standard Enforcement Order after he challenged the appropriateness of leaving the order in place. Mohammed Arshad, the appellant, argued that it was not possible to carry out
An application seeking leave to appeal against four applications alleging breaches of the Letting Agents Code of Practice has been refused by the Upper Tribunal for Scotland after it determined that the matters had already been settled. Tonero Ltd had formerly hired Countrywide Residential Lettings
The Upper Tribunal for Scotland has ordered a landlord to pay nearly £1,400 to a tenant after quashing the First-tier Tribunal’s decision that payments intended to reimburse the landlord for a council tax payment were not an illegal premium in terms of the Rent (Scotland) Act 1984.