Caledonia Housing Association has become the newest member of HouseMark Scotland, using the business intelligence tool alongside a wealth of other Scotland-based registered social landlords. Julie Cosgrove, ...
Value For Money
A Value for Money (VFM) benchmarking pilot, has recently been completed with nine small social landlords from across Scotland. It examined the costs of providing services, levels ...
Nick Pollard, KHA finance director, and Marc Bates from THIS Housing signing the new contract Kingdom Housing Association Limited (KHA) and Kingdom Initiatives Limited (KIL), the wholly ...
BHA members voting at the AGM The 20th Annual General Meeting of Berwickshire Housing Association (BHA) took place at its head office in Duns last week and ...
Ian Brennan The Scottish Housing Regulator has welcomed a new report contributing to the debate on what value for money means for tenants, social landlords and the ...
Annie Mauger Social landlords in Scotland should consider future tenants when analysing the value for money of what they do, according to a new report.
HouseMark has launched a new tool for Scottish local authorities which assures business plans are built on solid foundations and at the same time enables authorities to ...
What is PlanForm? PlanForm is HouseMark’s HRA business plan comparison tool. Following a successful pilot and launch in England we have adapted the product to meet the ...
How can my business demonstrate value for money? How can I deliver value to tenants and other stakeholders?