West Dunbartonshire Council’s budget for 2025/26 has been set with an 11.5% Council Tax rise agreed to help close a £7.7 million funding gap. During a meeting of West Dunbartonshire Council, a range of savings options were rejected, safeguarding current provision of school transport; sch
West Dunbartonshire Council
West Dunbartonshire Council joined forces with local partner organisations recently as part of work to address the area’s Housing Emergency.
A range of savings options and adjustments to help West Dunbartonshire Council close a potential £7.7 million budget gap will be considered next month.
A new sheltered accommodation unit will be heated by the first ground source heating system to be installed in affordable housing in West Dunbartonshire. The Willow Park Housing Development in Dumbarton will see 17 new assisted living homes built by housebuilder McTaggart Construction.
Residents, visitors and business owners are being asked to give their views on the possible introduction of a visitor levy in West Dunbartonshire.
A mum-of-four has spoken of her joy at being one of the first tenants to move into the West Dunbartonshire Council development at Clydebank East.
Savings and adjustments totalling £615,500 have been agreed as part of early work to close West Dunbartonshire Council’s £10.4 million budget gap.
New strategy aims to provide more digital opportunities for tenant engagement in West Dunbartonshire
More digital opportunities for West Dunbartonshire tenants to participate in housing matters will be developed as part of a new participation strategy.
Work on a 19-unit development of specialist West Dunbartonshire Council homes for elderly residents in Old Kilpatrick is progressing. Construction began on the site at Mount Pleasant earlier this year with some of the properties already taking shape.
Cordale Housing Association has started work on a £5.4 million development of 25 new homes at Dalquhurn in Renton. Contractor AS Homes began work this week and will deliver 15 two-bed houses, 8 three-bed houses and 2 four-bed houses. The project, which received over £2.6m from the Scotti
Businesses are being invited to bid for funding as part of an innovative project aimed at developing greener solutions for homes across Scotland.
West Dunbartonshire Council’s Working4U Money team has helped almost 4,000 local residents gain £8.2 million through benefit claims and debt write-offs as a result of its support services.
Tenants in West Dunbartonshire are being warned against storing mobility scooters in communal entrances, hallways and bin stores as they could pose a fire hazard.
A range of measures to tackle the housing emergency in West Dunbartonshire have been outlined in a newly published comprehensive action plan.
Support for homeless people and those at risk of becoming homeless in West Dunbartonshire has been praised by inspectors. An unannounced inspection of the West Dunbartonshire Council’s Supported Housing Service - which helps vulnerable people over the age of 16 to develop skills to maintain te