Up to 122 new apartments could be created on the site of the former Xcite Livingston leisure pool after West Lothian Council agreed to dispose of the land. Council officers recommended that elected members on the Council Executive approved plans to sell the former Bubbles site to Cruden Homes yester
West Lothian Council
Decisions into planning applications for the final phase of residential development at Bangour Village Hospital site at Dechmont have been delayed for a month.
Councillor Susan Manion has been selected to replace Councillor Kirsteen Sullivan who formally resigned from the position of depute council leader at a meeting of West Lothian Council on Tuesday 24 September. Councillor Manion is a councillor for the Armadale and Blackridge ward.
Housing minister Paul McLennan met with senior West Lothian Council officers to discuss the significant concerns that private homeowners have in relation to the potential for reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) to be present within homes. RAAC is a material commonly used in constructi
West Lothian Council has approved plans to deliver a plot of 15 affordable homes in Linlithgow. The development in Deanburn comes after a previous plan for a site near West Calder was dropped.
The former Xcite Livingston leisure pool site in Livingston is set to go back on the market. A report to West Lothian Council's executive yesterday explained that the previously approved sale is no longer going ahead, as it does not represent best value for the council.
Work on a new £9 million project to build new homes for rent and young people in Livingston has started.
Land for sale at Toll Roundabout in Livingston could be sold to Cruden Homes Limited for £4.9 million. The 2.88-hectare site sits on land east of the Toll Roundabout in the Kirkton area of Livingston. The site is allocated for residential development in the West Lothian Local Development Plan
Unauthorised drainage works carried out by a housebuilder have caused damage to public open space in Armadale, West Lothian Council has revealed. Investigations established that the damage at Millburn Park was caused as a result of work undertaken by Avant Homes Scotland in
The Scottish Parliament’s Cross-party Group on Housing is calling on the Scottish Government to produce an action plan to tackle the housing emergency.
West Lothian Council is set to support local voluntary organisations with over £1 million over the coming year. The council distributes a number of grants to support local organisations who carry out important work in our communities, such as gala days, youth work, museums, twinning and events
West Lothian Council has declared a housing emergency due to the specific pressures around housing and homelessness it faces.
The maintenance and improvement of existing council homes remains a key priority in West Lothian Council's Housing Capital budget with approximately £8.2 million to be invested in planned programme work during this financial year from April 2024 until the end of March 2025.
West Lothian Council has launched a postcode look-up facility for council housing tenants where they can check when their home is scheduled for improvement and maintenance works. This service enables council tenants to search for the proposed review year for Housing Capital Investment Programme work
Glasgow-based retrofitting specialist Procast has secured a tender win with West Lothian Council worth £16 million over four years. Procast has developed a reputation for quality retrofitting work, bringing older properties up to modern standards. This significant win marks the beginning of a