Zm Architecture

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Plans to regenerate the iconic Govan Graving Docks have been given the green light by councillors.  Members of Glasgow City Council’s Planning Applications Committee unanimously approved proposals to build up to 304 energy-efficient homes on the site’s southern boundary at a meeting

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Proposals to build more than 700 homes at Govan's Graving Docks have moved forward with the submission of a planning application by the developers. ZM Architecture and New City Vision unveiled plans in March to bring the site back into use after 40 years of dereliction with the creation of 750 homes

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Fresh proposals have been unveiled for a housing-led regeneration of Glasgow’s Graving Docks. ZM Architecture and New City Vision hope to bring the site back into use after 40 years of dereliction with the creation of 750 homes in a series of buildings ranging from four to 15 storeys in height.

1-7 of 7 Articles